Global shocker: “Crimea votes to join Russia, accelerating Ukraine crisis”

Russian Troop in UkraineFrom

By Alissa de Carbonnel

SIMFEROPOL, Ukraine (Reuters) – Crimea’s parliament voted to join Russia on Thursday and its Moscow-backed government set a referendum on the decision in 10 days’ time in a dramatic escalation of the crisis over the Ukrainian Black Sea peninsula.

The sudden acceleration of moves to bring Crimea, which has an ethnic Russian majority and has effectively been seized by Russian forces, formally under Moscow’s rule came as European Union leaders held an emergency summit groping for ways to pressure Russia to back down and accept mediation.

Clearly, no one saw that coming.


BZ shall now remove tongue from cheek.


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14 thoughts on “Global shocker: “Crimea votes to join Russia, accelerating Ukraine crisis”

    • Putin wishes to bring Russia back to her glory days by re-annexing what once was the former USSR, in my opinion.


  1. This should not be a shock to anyone. This is what a strong dictator does when confronted by a weak adversary such as Obama. Will say this: as a man you definitely have to admire Putin when compared to Obama. This nation is in deep trouble with respect to the clowns who are now running the government.

    • So sayeth Josef Stalin.

      “It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”


  2. Putin gave it to Obama in his a**.
    And every country in the world knows this.
    Even the Chinese are smirking.
    And the Ohole took it and liked it.
    If this doesn’t seal the fate of this queer negro president of the USA, I’m not sure what will.

    • Should have added, all of russia’s gas and oil pipelines to Europe run through Ukraine. Easy targets for insurgents to cut off Russia’s money. Things could get very interesting.

      • And on that note, the EU is beholden to Russia for a good bulk of its energy; the chance of the EU insisting on cutting off its energy nose to spite its sanctions is not massive, I submit.


  3. Unnoticed is the shift in Putin’s political base from stupid intellectuals to the ignorant masses. Now, he is strong. The stupid still count the votes. So… not a lot of hope there.

    Meanwhile, in Obakastan, President Expect Clinton seizes the day to demonstrate breathtaking ignorance by first comparing Putin to Hitler followed with the claim that no-one wants to “up the rhetoric”. Clearly she wants to, but can only manage an assault dually grounded in both ignorance and stupidity.

    If given a choice between Obutt–ck, Shrillery , and Putin for a leader; who would you pick?

  4. TV commentators have said that Putin is probably the richest man on the Earth,,, due to all the corruption and thieving he has done.
    Could this be actually true????

    • On that….

      Belkovsky’s allegations reached Putin’s ears when an Associated Press reporter asked him during a February 2008 press conference: “Some newspapers have reported that you are the wealthiest man in Europe. If that is so, what are the sources of your wealth?”

      Putin flatly denied the reports. “It’s just chitchat, nonsense, nothing to discuss,” he said. “They picked it out of their noses and smeared it on their pieces of paper.”

      They picked it out of their noses and smeared it on their pieces of paper.

      Gotta love it. This, I submit, is why Putin is popular. He has a pair, and today, that’s all it seems to take. A rare quality in a mealy mouthed metro-sexually driven world.

  5. And by the way, if anyone doesn’t know, that is a RUSSIAN flag behind the soldier.

    Top-to-bottom: white, blue and red.


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