Government-Funded U.S. Media?

Ratings of the Leftist DEM/MSM continue to sag.

Dobbs left, and CNN plunged.

In the meantime, FoxNews is up 7%.

Newspapers are still hemorrhaging readers.

As a result, the AP writes:

With the media business in a state of economic distress as audiences and advertisers migrate online, the Federal Trade Commission began a two-day workshop Tuesday to examine the profound challenges facing media companies and explore ways the government can help them survive (my emphasis).

Henry Waxman — this should come as no shock — thusly concludes:

Acknowledging that talk of government support for the press raises “red flags,” Waxman stressed it is not the job of Congress to “deny the evolution of media.”

But “as we look at these various solutions, government’s going to have to be involved in one way or the other,” he warned (again, my emphasis).

The DEM (what I term the Defeatist, Elitist Media) are already nose-deep in the arse of the Obama Administration.

Is there anyone besides myself, reading the above, who doesn’t feel a massive chill running up and down their spine when our government begins making noise like it needs to fiscally shore up (read: control) the United States media?

And this support — do you wonder, as do I, if such fiscal support will somehow manage to assist venues such as Conservative Talk Radio? Fox News? Conservative news and information sites on the internet?

This is nothing more than the Governmental Toe being dipped into the Media Control waters.

Any rational, thinking American should be sickened and appalled today at the implications here.

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7 thoughts on “Government-Funded U.S. Media?

  1. Too often I feel like Rosemary in “Rosemary’s Baby” in the scene where she semi-wakes and shouts “This can’t be happening!”

    I keep thinking, “Surely my fellow citizens see the danger of taking this path.”
    But so far I’ve been mistaken.
    I feel like a nut…
    Buying firearms and ammo, gold and silver, storing food and water.
    Then I talk with neighbors or read a blog like yours and realize I’m not the only “nut” who is frightened by the world I see unfolding around me.

    God be with us.
    I’m still hopeful the coming revolution will be bloodless.

  2. If the government does gain control of the media or a portion thereof, we can kiss goodbye the very concept of freedom of the press. Only those media outlets with federal funding will be broadcasting to any degree. Furthermore, the generation presently being “educated” will be cut off from the truth.

    Too many Americans sit back in complacence and say to themselves, “Such a thing cannot happen in America.”

  3. Deacon: 7% of the people just got smarter than the average CNBC and DEM viewers, in truth. Any other hands you’d like to hold out for more free things? Any other nonsensical complaints you’d care to make? What, no free dinner tonight? No free car wash? No free pedicure? No, you’d simply like the rest of your biased media government-funded, just like NPR. Free Cheese, my man, Free Cheese. The more Free Cheese you eat, the more The Man has his hooks into YOU.

    AOW: as I pointed out to DB, he’d care to NPR the rest of the Left Machine.


  4. It’s hard to defend a media bail out when the only non-liberal media network, FOX, isn’t having any problems at all…


    Greybeard, the coming Revolution will not be bloodless.

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