Happy Sunday Mexican News

From CBSNews.com:

(AP) CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico — A spray-painted sign threatening death for U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration agents was found Friday next to a school in a northern Mexico state capital, officials said.

Addressed with profanity to “Gringos (D.E.A.),” the unsigned graffiti warned: “We know where you are and we know who you are and where you go. We are going to chop off your (expletive) heads.”

Aaah, that’s another reason why we want loving, hard-working, entitlement-refusing illegal Mexicans in our country.
Have a nice Sunday.

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5 thoughts on “Happy Sunday Mexican News

  1. Yes, this is exactly true.
    ALL US Consulate offices in Mexico now collect hazard pay.
    I saw it coming when I retired.
    Presently, there is no answer.
    All Mexican police, no matter what level,Local,State and Federal, are now and have been for many years,,,Totally corrupt, and mordida was the only way to get anything done. And it still is!!!!
    Mordida means bribes. “Little bite.

    Another Mexican Presidential election will be coming in a few years.
    Every 6 years an election.
    But believe me, nothing will change.
    Mexicans will always be Mexicano’s.
    No matter if in their own Republic, or have illegally entered these United States of America. Remember this, and don’t ever forget it.

  2. WSF: hollow? Ciudad Juarez is a 1.5 million city of corruption, death, blood, heat, corrupt cops and drugs. Anyone standing in the way of the cartels is killed or at least attempts — PLURAL — are made. NG EXPLORER is RIGHT NOW playing a documentary on narcotrafficantes predominantly located around Ciudad Juarez. Hollow, you ask? That is one threat to be taken quite seriously.

    NFO: yeah. Not too very damned happy. Bit-0-sarcasm.

    MrC: how IGNORANT are Americans?? La Mordida (The Bite) has been in existence as long as I can remember. That refers to money extended to various Mexican “officials” to get you out of a “jam” or to get officials to “look another way.” Mordida is just another word for CORRUPTION and it is ENDEMIC on a NATIONAL MEXICAN SCALE.

    People, it’s bad enough in America with government. You want to bring MASSIVE CORRUPTION into this country on a heretofore UNimagined scale? You just keep IMPORTING MORE ILLEGAL MEXICANS.


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