17 thoughts on “Helen Thomas Retires

  1. Well, you do have a point…maybe my post was too kind!
    She is horrible but I do have to give her credit for slogging along as old as she’d become! I like to see gumption!
    But, she got it SO wrong so often and so especially on this last subject, and it is so pathetic that a 60 yr career is practically negated by this one unconscionable bit of bias.

  2. The older you get, the less effective your “filters” are. You start saying things that are offensive, things that you wouldn’t have dreamed of saying at an earlier point in your life.

    Miss Thomas’ filters have degraded to the point where her mouth opened and her thoughts spewed forth, causing great embarrassment to her and the Hearst News Corp.

    Now people know what a simpleminded, hateful and misguided person she really is.

  3. WSF: you are quite correct.

    Capt: in my opinion, that is VERY true! As I’d thought for some time, she illustrated verbally and publicly the way she REALLY feels — in the same fashion as most of the DEM/MSM, who do NOT have the balls to state those things demonstrably.


  4. Ding Dong! The Witch is gone. Which old Witch? The Thomas Witch!
    Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch is gone.

    Wake up – sleepy head, rub your eyes, get out of bed.

    Wake up, the Wicked Witch is gone.

    She’s gone where the goblins go,
    Below – below – below. Yo-ho, let’s open up and sing and ring the bells out.

    Ding Dong’ the merry-oh, sing it high, sing it low.

    Let them know the Wicked Witch is gone….

  5. Man, you guys are SO judgmental.

    You just so WON’T make Good Progressives!

    Turn your heads and spend at least 30 minutes in the corner. Go! Go now!

    It’s a “time out”!

    That’s right, Timmy.


    Stop doing that.

    I told you, Timmy, stop doing that.

    I said stop.

    I mean it.

    I really MEAN it, Timmy.

    I said stop.

    And I mean STOP.


    Please stop.


    You can have whatever you want.

    Just stop.



  6. Is it just me, or does she look like the Evil Emperor from the Star Wars movies?
    And For Dear sweet Helen from one of my Yiddish speaking friends:
    “Den ganzen Kopp sollen se haben voller Läüs und so e korz Ärmchen dass Se sich net kratze könne”

    “Your head should be full of lice but your arms should be too short for you to scratch.”

  7. Um… try 67 years… she started in 1943. And yes, she had become an embarrassment years ago, but everybody was afraid of her. This was just literally the LAST straw…

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