Here’s your heinous Gubmint Shutdown: “Even in shutdown, Feds get overtime, comp time, ‘Sunday pay’ “

US President Barack Obama speaks duringWow.  I mean, zowie.  A shutdown in the federal government will certainly hurt.  Considering that when Demorats typify a “complete government shutdown,” “complete” happens to only mean 40% of the federal government.

And with those exempted come some great perks:

Even in shutdown, Feds get overtime, comp time, ‘Sunday pay’


A federal government shutdown will temporarily cut off pay of thousands of Uncle Sam’s workers, but for those considered “excepted employees,” there could be a nice salary bump thanks to rules allowing overtime, compensatory time and other benefits provided to those the administration feels too important to furlough.

In advance of the potential shutdown, the Office of Personnel Management distributed a 30-page “Guidance for Shutdown Furloughs” that spells out who will get what, if anything, if President Obama and House Republicans can’t negotiate a break in the budget stalemate by Monday night, the end of the fiscal year.

Most workers won’t be considered excepted employees, but OPM emphasized that it’s not because their work isn’t valued. “Excepted employees include employees who are performing emergency work involving the safety of human life or the protection of property or performing certain other types of excepted work,” said the guide.

Interesting.  I wonder just who might be considered “performing emergency work,” or “certain other types of excepted work”?

Congress, perhaps?




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