Hey Mexico:

. . . turnabout is only fair play, is it not?

Let’s see how you like it for a while. From NewsMax.com:

Tuesday, January 1, is the scheduled date for the abolition of all tariffs on corn, beans, milk and sugar entering Mexico from the U.S. — and many fear that a flood of agricultural imports will drive Mexican farmers out of business.

Protests are planned in Mexican cities, including a “human wall” on the border.

Hey hermanos, boo-fucking-hoo, eh?

Oh, but wait; it’s not fair if the US floods you, is it?

Chinga tu madre, Mejico; obtenga más de él, que fueron conquistados por España y ahora en América.

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6 thoughts on “Hey Mexico:

  1. “A human wall on the border”? Well that would be different HOW? oh usually the WALL of humans is moving NORTH!

    Until Whitey moves south they won’t really understand the issue…

  2. Which is why I feel oh-not-so-kindly towards the fuckhead admin of Mexico.

    They are only BEGINNING to sample the slightest TIP of the iceberg that WE have experienced for years.

    Mexico is only MINIMALLY starting to experience what WE have for years.

    And I should like to point out: Mexico is the MOST JUDGMENTAL of PROFILERS with regards to keeping Guatamalans, Hondurans, Chileans, Columbians, OUT of their country. Mexico HATES illegal immigrants.


  3. And we have been a part of NAFTA *how long*?

    Good going on not holding Mexico to its treaties with us! Yes, sir, when you say ‘United States’ you are really saying ‘patsy’ with regards to treaties and trade.

    Thank you to all on the D and R party that have let this go on for so long… that ‘free trade’ has worked out ever so well that we just can’t bother to enforce it when it leaks away our National sovereignty by treaty.

    NAFTA and all these other free trade deals is the US putting a big sign on itself saying “Kick Me”.

    Thanks for the bi-partisanship on that. Glad to know how America stands with the vaunted two parties.

  4. The worst part is that if the Mexican farmers cant make a living growing food crops guess what CASH crop they will grow (if they dont jump the border) marijuana, which will lead to more incursions of the border.

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