House Republicans Set ObakaKare Repeal For January 12th:

We can only hope.

Again, as I’ve said before, I do not mind, at all, being associated with a true Conservative Party of NO when the issues conflict with Conservative values and involve the increase of government and unwarranted intrusion into my life.


House Republicans have stated January 12, 2010 as their day to vote on a repeal of President Obama’s health-care law. Republicans and Tea Party Activists campaigned against the landmark legislation as a government takeover of the health industry in the November midterm elections. A preliminary vote will take place on Friday January 8th.

The attempted repeal of the law is the first significant action by House Republicans in the 112th Congress. With 242 members on their side, Republicans expect to pass the legislation easily, but they privately acknowledge that the action faces opposition in the Democratic-controlled Senate.

Senate Response to The Repeal Vote

Senate Majority Leader Harry ReidSenate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.), wrote incoming House Speaker John BoehnerJohn Boehner (R-Ohio) on Monday warning the new GOP House against advancing legislation that would undo the sweeping healthcare overhaul.

“If House Republicans move forward with a repeal of the healthcare law that threatens consumer benefits like the ‘donut hole’ fix, we will block it in the Senate. This proposal deserves a chance to work. It is too important to be treated as collateral damage in a partisan mission to repeal health care,” wrote Reid, Majority Whip Dick DurbinDick Durbin (Ill.), Democratic Vice Chairman Charles Schumer (N.Y.), Conference Secretary Patty MurrayPatty Murray (Wash.) and Policy Committee Vice Chairwoman Debbie StabenowDebbie Stabenow (Mich.).

It is past time to at least attempt to undo the damage that Mr Obama has inflicted upon our great nation.

If this is the current direction of the GOP, then I am all for it.


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7 thoughts on “House Republicans Set ObakaKare Repeal For January 12th:

  1. Old NFO, I see a whole herd of NEW RINOs about to develop, I am afraid these *TEA Party* supported newbies will rapidly become Washington *insiders*, sucking on the teat at the public trough…

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