I’m-A So Confoosed

So there I was; upstairs huddled in front of my warm, throbbing HP Pavilion zd8000 laptop, really getting into a keen contest of words between Mahndisa of Mahndisa’s Thoughts and the interminable Intellectual Insurgent, and boy was it fun — until I finally realized: the digital world is nice, but I do my best reading when I hold something in my hand.

Are you the same way? I, for whatever moonbat reason, can proofread and concentrate on information most efficiently from a hard copy. Coupled with the inherent long, thin, vertical nature of blogs, I found myself having to go up and down, up and down, trying my best to compare and contrast the various statements they made. I got-a so confoosed. . .

My big desktop confuser is temporarily down pending federal funding for a flatscreen half as decent as the one on this laptop (the zd8000 has the sharpest, clearest, most detailed screen I’ve ever seen — anywhere — on anything — ever).

Despite that, though my laptop (yeah, right, try placing this monstrous bastard on your lap and see if you ever have decent quadriceps muscles again) has a 17″ widescreen, in an ideal world I find I’d like to have about three or four separate monitors so I can put various posts and comments up on each.

Lacking this brain glazingly-expensive (though, for me, ideal) solution, I’ll bring the internet up in 3, 4 or 5 separate windows and toggle between them. And in truth, I never really print out hard copies because it’s simply not practical — there’s so much information I read and reference.

I guess I just process information this way.

How about you?

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4 thoughts on “I’m-A So Confoosed

  1. 10 28 05

    Blo Zep:
    I was waiting for you to post this! I can blog online, and seem to be okay except for the blurry vision from time to time. But I can’t do equations online! I don’t know why, but I havta write them down and do the math with a pen, a piece of napkin or paper (ha) and some whiteout. I don’t use pencils in general because they are too light! So yeah, I can relate to the difficulty in reading AND processing info on a computer screen. And Oh! You are a redhead eh? It is always nice when people show a pic of themselves; even in dim lighting! Thx for sharing!

  2. 10 28 05

    Oh, I am sorry BloZep:
    I meant the Intellectual Insurgent has insulted conservatives! Thx for the comment. I stated that WC did nothing to help companies and was a “disincentive” but you gave her the proof in the pudding! 🙂

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