Is It In The Cards?

Prague, Oct 7 (DPA) Former US secretary of state Madeleine Albright does not rule out a war against Iran in the nuclear dispute between Tehran and the international community.

‘This last resort can never be given up completely,’ the Czech-born Albright who also served as US ambassador to the United Nations, told Prague-based CT1 television.

British defence officials have held talks with their Pentagon counterparts about how they could help out if America chose to bomb Iran.

Washington sources say that America has shelved plans for an all-out assault, drawn up to destroy the Iranian nuclear facilities and take out the Islamist regime.

The Sunday Telegraph has learned that President Bush’s White House national security council is discussing instead a plan to launch pinpoint attacks on bases operated by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Quds force, blamed for training Iraqi militants.

Is the writing on the wall?

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13 thoughts on “Is It In The Cards?

  1. If we’re not going to bring them to their knees, having them scream to stop and begging for forgiveness.

    If this isn’t the plan, don’t do it.

    We don’t need anymore of Bush’s Cluster-Fucks, half-Assed wars.

    We can wait until someone gets into office that understands how to fight a War, VICTORY and Nothing Else, period.

    They either join us and the World or they must be driven from the Planet.

  2. I’d be afraid to go to war again with Bush at the helm too, he’s an idiot and he micromanages the troops and doesn’t listen to ANYONE that doesn’t say what HE wants to here, he IS a fucking MORON!

  3. funny, I just went to, and ya know what? there isn’t a single word about any plan for Iran in her “issues”.
    I guess since Hillary is a genius compared to Bush, and she isn’t anywhere near as concerned about a nuclear powered Iran as she is affordable healthcare for children, Iran can’t be anything to worry about. besides, Jihadi’s are backing her too!! see here:

  4. Iran is determined to go to war with us and that’s how it is. We need to hit them hard before they get a single nuke.

    Bush won’t because the press won’t let him. He would have been a better president if he would have known enough not to worry about what the press says.

  5. Yup, Blogdom is more fun than a trip to the dentist.

    and the US needs to re-think the Marshall plan type war, the Muslims will never be our friends, so why piss billions away rebuilding what we blow up? Muslims will never concede defeat and get over it and go back to business as usual like the Germans and Japanese did. so, this different enemy needs different tactics. Pigbombs! that’s what we need, lots and lots of pigbombs….

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