It’s Finally Snowing!

This is BZ’s cabin and his CommuteMobile. I’ve had two meagre snowfalls prior to today, of about an inch each. Living at 4,000′ in the Sierra Nevadas, that’s not saying much.

This is the first significant snowfall of the year and it closed Interstate 80 and backed up traffic at Applegate for over an hour. Knowing the back roads, I was able to bypass the commoners looking to ski and clog my commute.

THIS is finally what winter should be! And, on top of that, our water content and snowpack is 120% of normal. Good news for the valley below!

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9 thoughts on “It’s Finally Snowing!

  1. LMC: good for you!

    I like to personalize my blog every now and then, and this helps to do so.

    Most recently, I’m getting dispirited by events and — find myself needing to move to other situations and events.

    But you know what?

    I’ve decided I’m NOT giving up with my political posts or my point of view!!

    I’m not rolling over to expose any soft white underbelly to my enemies.

    And I have CLEARLY DELINEATED enemies.

  2. The news had a deal on tonight about Sac being in danger of flooding when all this melts…

    Nothing like looking up and seeing a Sacoftomatos rolling down the river… 🙂

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