Leftists: emoticons are racist

Emoji ExamplesWith all of the things occurring on the planet, Leftists are once again navel-gazing and placing the racism of emoticons at the top of the heap in terms of importance.

You can’t write this stuff.

From MotherboardVice.com (whatever the hell that is):

The Petition to Make Emoji Less Racist

If you spend a decent amount of time on the internet, chances are you’ve heard people raising hell because there are no African-American Emoji icons. Diversity-minded texters are now actually trying to do something about the emoticon racism problem, by petitioning Apple to add more people of color to its Emoji keyboard.

“If these Emoji are going to be the texting and Twitter standard, we think it’d be cool if they better reflected the diversity of the people using them,” argues a petition currently up on DoSomething.org, spotted by Fast Company.

The petition laments that out of 800 emoticons, the only two person icons that aren’t white: a guy who looks “vaguely Asian” and another wearing a turban. Meanwhile, it points out, there are two different camels, a smiling pile of poo, and a cop, bride, grandma and dancer, all white. But zero black people.

Stop the presses!  Emoticons are racist, those evil bastards!  Or bastardettes!  Or LGBTQ bastardoritos!  Bastardoritas?

But if you wish even more extreme irrelevancy — to the point where you’re likely in another dimension entirely — read this:

Some white emojis, such as the image of the police officer, appear to hold positions of power, emphasizing the idea that minorities do not commonly occupy skilled jobs like these. In addition, the blonde princess represents that only pure and royal whites can obtain power. In fact, I am surprised that they do not have a white king. The white angel also shows white purity, while an image of white hands held up in a prayer position implies that religion or Catholicism is a white concept. In addition, the absence of non-white females demonstrates a lack of awareness of the intersectionality between race and gender in society.

Emoticons in “positions of power.”  Once again, the white Emoticon keeping the black emoticon down.

What a wonderful society this must be when, as a Millennial, all you have to be concerned with is the racism of Emoticons.

I shake my head.  What a massive generation of navel-gazing pussies we have raised.



Pssst.  Hello?  Leftists?  Anyone notice that Emoticons are actually yellow?


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11 thoughts on “Leftists: emoticons are racist

  1. I have had enough of people walking around with their feelings on their sleeves, looking for new was to stir the pot of dissent. Incredible. Absolutely preposterous. These are probably the same people who, on the other hand, holler the loudest about racism while doing what they can to instigate it. Hypocrites, one and all I tell you. There are much bigger things to exert energy on, such as why illegal immigrants get college tuition and citizens have to pay, and why the border is WIDE OPEN. Here comes Ebola and the like.
    If people want to get rid of racism, it starts at home.

    • Further, Captain Ron, these are the people who howl “about the children” being pushed illegally into OUR country whilst, simultaneously, holding unborn children as nothing more than a few unimportant specks of tissue and blood.

      Whaaat? Are you actually that hypocritically daft and illogical?


  2. We’re economically disadvantaged little lambs
    Who have lost our way,
    Baa Baa Baa,
    We’re little color neutral sheep
    Who have gone astray
    Baa Baa Baa.
    Gender variable songsters off on a spree
    Doomed from here to eternity,
    Lord, have mercy on such as we,
    Baa Baa Baa.
    (apologies to the whiffenpoof song…)

    Come on, now. Don’t ya’ll know everything these days is racist?
    I think they are up to the letter ‘H’.

  3. You bet they are racist. I don’t see any gingers on that whole page, only Asians, most of whom appear to have had cosmetic surgery to make their eyes appear more occidental.

    The other possibility is that emoticons with healthy livers are not represented here.

    Either way, I am deeply offended.

    Call me – The indignant American!

  4. I want them to make one of a black person with a hoodie. It seems like everything must be racist these days. Time to ban white chocolate because it must be racist.

  5. Not that long ago I worried about terrorism and a national economy spinning out of control, causing housing to plummet and making me defer retirement. Now I think of those as the good old days.

  6. Pingback: Grading a paper = racist | Bloviating Zeppelin

  7. This is pretty disingenuous. I’ll assume you don’t know, and not that you intentionally misrepresented the argument by choosing as an example a page of yellow smiley faces. One swipe to the left of the panel pictured is a series of white faces, followed by a series of hand gestures featuring one skin tone. It’s not the most pressing racial issue facing our society, but you could at least write from that angle instead of either A. being dishonest in your criticism or B. bothering to look up the emoji in question before bothering to write this entry. Here’s hoping it was B and not A. I suppose if this comment gets deleted it was probably choice A.

    • Werd: disingenuous, am I?

      Like I spend time fretting over emoticons? You do, of course, realize where emoticons came from and their original color, do you not?

      Perhaps you should check the origins of Emoji and the origin of Emoticons.

      Granted, “it’s not the most pressing racial issue facing our society.”

      Werd, you have nailed it. But to those who look to lint, it is apparently an issue over which everyone’s hands should be wringing. And yes, I did write from that perspective. In the overall scheme of Life, if you are offended by an Emoji, you’d best not step outside your door.

      And no, the comment wasn’t deleted, was it?


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