Grading a paper = racist

RaceEmoticons are racist.  Everyone knows that.

Further, making corrections as a Caucasoid teacher to a black student’s paper is also racist.  From

Professor Called Racist For Correcting Black Student’s Grammar And Punctuation

by Brian Anderson

I thought the race debate reached a new low when Gummy Bear maker Haribo was accused of racism for making African mask Gummies, but what happen at UCLA this week makes that look sane. 25 University of California Los Angeles students participated in a sit-in protest because, get this, one of their professors had the gall to correct grammar and spelling issues on some black students’ papers.

Val Rust, a professor of education and information, was the target of the protestors for what they feel was racial insensitivity. Describing themselves as “aggrieved minority students,” they claim that the professor was wrong to correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar in the papers of black students.

Call 2 Action: Graduate Students of Color, the group which launched the sit-in, said the act of correcting a black student was “micro-aggression.” But it’s much worse than you think. The group issued the following statement:

“A hostile campus climate has been the norm for Students of Color in this class throughout the quarter as our epistemological and methodological commitments have been repeatedly questioned by our classmates and our instructor. The barrage of questions by white colleagues and the grammar ‘lessons’ by the professor have contributed to a hostile class climate.”

Did you get that? Trying to hold black students to a college level of proper writing skill is a hostile act of racism. And you know they are serious; just look at all those big words they used in their statement.

I cannot read this and not think of the absolute disaster called “Ebonics,” a failed 1996 Leftist program stemming from the Oakland School Board in Fornicalia, which insisted that “Ebonics” was an actual, embraced, logical and promoted language.

This amazing paragraph:

For students whose primary dialect was “Ebonics”, the Oakland resolution mandated some instruction in that dialect, both for “maintaining the legitimacy and richness of such language… and to facilitate their acquisition and mastery of English language skills.” This also included the proposed increase of salaries of those proficient in both “Ebonics” and Standard English to the level of those teaching limited English proficiency (LEP) students and the use of public funding to help teachers learn AAVE themselves.[1]

Please allow me to dredge up another statement from Captain Obvious: “Ebonics” was another Leftist ploy to make excuses for lazy black instructors and black students who had no incentive to excel, as they were held to few if any quality standards by said instructors.

Unmotivated and excuse-providing black teachers expected nothing from their students but to portray and embrace themselves as victims.

Expecting actual performance from a black student is racist.  Keeping him ignorant and stupid is not racist but to be promoted.  This kind of thinking mystifies me.

And, in truth, helps to keep a permanent underclass just that.



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6 thoughts on “Grading a paper = racist

  1. It does that… and it’s beyond stupid, but again it’s Kali… IF I were that prof, and they don’t want corrections, I’d be flunking everyone of them.

    • All are held to a standard, or NONE are held to a standard. No corrections whatsoever? Why have schools then?


  2. Just shows that too many morons are being accepted to the various colleges and universities who are not really qualified to be there in the name of diversity.

  3. So, now only black teacher can grade black student homework? From what I have seen, it appears that today, only black politicians can say ANYTHING about black people or the president, and even then, stand a good chance of being labelled themselves. That only black people can use the word “nigger”, that only black people can have their own TV channel (BET), their own music award ceremony, their own congressional caucus and ON AND ON AND ON. Is that what they want, their own world where whitey is not welcome to be a part or or talk about?

    Wasn’t there a woman recently in the news that said that only those members of the NAACP have any say and anyone else is to be ignored? Is that the new black mentality. Is that what the black leaders are proposing as the new black mentality?

    I beleive we did that before. It was called separate but equal. Blacks had their own bathrooms, their own water fountains, their own place at the lunch counter, their own place on the bus. etc. I also remember they didn’t like it too much and fought against this behavior so as to be a part of the entire world, of ONE PEOPLE. Now, they want to go back to that? Or maybe, is it, they want to be separate again, but in the perceived postion of power s of what they thought the whites had, and put whitey in the separate position of a downgraded citizen. Am I to understand, they want to punish whites as they felt they were punished? If so, they have no intention of becoming a ONE PEOPLE nation. They want power and they want to bully those not like them. They want to become that which they proclaimed to hate and want no part of.

    How easily have they taken the power given to them and bastardized it. Now, if life doesn’t go their way, or they get called out on bad behavior…just yell racism. It’s better than a get out of jail card in monopoly. Of course, black not having any power, would never use this claim for abusive purposes? Right?

    This attitude will NOT stop until We The People say enough is enough. In a world where the number one man of power is black, where the number one attorney of power is black, where blacks have MORE opportunity than ever before, and sometimes more than their white counterparts when it comes to “equality” and affirmative action, I think it safe to say racism is pretty much a thing of the past. Is there still racism against blacks, yes, and the human condition will also make sure it will be there. But is it a big problem? Not really?

    If blacks are worried about being discriminated against, than they are thier own worst enemy. If an employer is reluctant to hire a black person today, it is not due to his skin color. It is most likely, because no employer wants to be accused of racism when he needs to address ANY issue with black employees. If an employer sees a need to take action that he would for ANY employee, he is now fearful if that employee is black, as he will be persectuted, and all for the reason that he simply wanted to do what was best for the company for for ALL employees as a whole.

    And for thost that think reverse racism does not exist, I put forth that it exists MORE SO than white against black racism. Reverse racism is still racism. And voting for someone because he is black, is just as bad as NOT voting for someone because he is black. As in either case, that person is being judged not by the content of his character, but by the color of his skin. And a great man once told us this was wrong. And I believe him.

    If blacks keep separating themselves from everyone else, the day will come again, where they will get their wish, and be separated. And they will scream about that too. Here’s an idea, get over yourselves. At one time, everyone had it rough. Life is not forgiving and easy sometimes. And when life is tough, its what life is. It’s not racism, it’s life. We all have those times. The rest of us deal with life and move on. We don’t blame hatred or perveive ourselves as targets or victims. Again, it’s called life.

    Black have more opportunity to better themselves, and many many blacks have proven that the system will gladly reward every man, including the black man, if only he works hard and takes hold of those opportunities. Life has never been better and no country has worked so hard or given so much to make those opportunities abound for all men. Instead of griping what you don’t have…go and earn it. And remember, if life is tough, it’s because you are just like everyone else, and we all trudge through the same life, good times and bad.

    I promise, if you join the world, and stop becoming victims as the easy way out, the world will welcome you with open arms, and you can join us in the real challenge of living in this great society.

    And don’t say that you want an open and honest dialogue, but yell racism the first second anybody criticizes you. That’s entrapment if you ask me. Everything I believe about black is backed up by statistics. Quit yelling racism at every turn when you don’t get what you want. Nobody gets everything they want in life. In fact, life laughs at you when you tell it your plans.

    So, do as the great leader once said. Judge men by their character. Don’t separate yourselves, and then yell and scream about how you have been separated from everyone else. Jump in the melting pot and become an American, and uphold America values, live American values, and take every opportunity that America offers. Let go of the hate and the blame mentality, and I PROMISE, all of us will be happier and our lives will be better for it. The POWER OF CHANGE is in your hands, not white peoples’. Use if for good. Please.

    If this is what they want

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