Yesterday’s and Today’s World…
However, in a way, “educators” like the ones in the story below are only getting a taste of what they’ve themselves promoted for years with the “open boarders” and “everybody wins” approach to teaching. You brought it on yourselves, Leftists.
From the HoustonChronicle.com:
Complaint: Katy-area teacher fired for refusing to address girl, 6, as transgender boy
by Emily Foxhall
An educator this week filed a federal discrimination complaint against a learning center in Katy, alleging that she was wrongly fired for refusing to address a 6-year-old girl as a transgender boy, the teacher’s attorneys said Tuesday.
Madeline Kirksey, a former employee of the Children’s Lighthouse Learning Center on Clay Road in Katy, was fired Nov. 3 after she would not agree to treat the child as a male and call the child by a new male name, according to a copy of a filing with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission provided by her attorneys.
But here is what’s buried further down in the story:
Using fake names, Taylor said that the child left school Friday as “Sally” and returned on Monday going by “Johnny.”
“They had a real issue on their hands,” Taylor said of the school staff.
The child reportedly showed up Monday with a short haircut, and Taylor said the child’s gender identity wasn’t set in stone. He said the child continued to use the girls’ bathroom. The 6-year-old also played football with the boys and, when hit hard, cried and said, “I’m really not a little boy.”
Further, I have to wholeheartedly agree with Madeline Kirksey’s attorney, Andy Taylor, when he said:
Taylor likened the imposition of such a decision over gender on a child to “child abuse.” At such a young age, he said, kids haven’t even decided what ice cream or cereal they prefer.
My point precisely.
The more pointed headline on this story came from 100%fedup.com:
TWO TX SCHOOL WORKERS FIRED For Refusing To Call 6 Year Old Girl A “Boy” : “One day, she wanted to be a girl, the next day she wanted to be a boy”
Because 6 year old girls are consumed with their sexual identities right? The parents should be getting regular visits by social services and the fired school manager and teacher should be reinstated and given an award for the courage to do the right thing…
According to Madeline Kirksey, a manager at the Children’s Lighthouse Learning Center in Katy, Texas, her staff was told a six-year-old student is transgender after the child’s parents cut her hair short, Fox26 reported. They were instructed to begin referring to the student as a boy and call her by a boy’s name.
Not only where the other students disoriented by the sudden change, but the transgender student seemed to be confused as well.
“One day, she wanted to be a girl, the next day she wanted to be a boy,” Kirksey said. “The other kids are confused as well, calling her a boy and she would start screaming, ‘I’m not a boy!’”
Another teacher says she was also fired for raising concerns about all the confusion, according to Fox26.
You see how you get different information from different sources? This is why you cannot trust a single news source of the American Media Maggots. They are primarily Leftist agenda-driven.
This is sheer insanity. A six-year-old has any kind of a salient grasp on her “sexual identity” at that age?
Yes, the parents of that child should be investigated for child abuse. They are the ones who are crushing their dangerous agenda onto a six-year-old, confusing the child, scarring the child and creating chaos for her and everyone around her.
Sadly, the parents can probably find some quack who will do sexual reassignment surgery (or whatever it is called). All it takes is money.
What I failed to emphasize is this: that GIRL is now, courtesy of her parents or caretakers or gatekeepers — whatever Leftists call parents these day — going to be one mentally FUCKED UP individual for the rest of HER life.
You think a child of SIX knows ANYTHING?
This reflects on the parents more than anyone else which is why I would highly recommend opening a child abuse case on them, in whatever jurisdiction exists. You are FUCKING with a VERY malleable and imprintable brain at that age — all for a social agend.
The PARENTS’ social agenda.
The child didn’t know what she wanted to be from one day to the next, from one hour to the next.
Yet a teacher — two teachers — get fired for that.
I feel somewhat bad for the teachers but, truthfully, “educators” have brought this shit down around themselves.
There will be a raft of teacher firings in the future, in all grades and in universities.
It couldn’t happen to a better bunch of Leftists.
You embraced this shit? You lose your jobs. Boo fucking hoo. Go pump gas or push the CHEESEBURGER icon at McDonald’s.
The law now legitimizes perversion. Those who don’t fall in line shall be castigated and now prosecuted. Morals be damned. So long 1st Amendment, it was nice knowing you.
Rick, so very true on college campuses as well. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment.
If they start to really push this shit, I will end up using the women’s bathroom myself. I normally save a certain restroom break for home, but if that is what they want, and the law says I can, I will bring along some nice reading material, and I will make use of women’s bathrooms everywhere. Eventually, the complaints will override the law and things will change back. Kinda like when the law tried to make neighborhoods mixed race. They couldn’t stop the “White Flight” that overrode the law’s intent, and all the law did was make once very nice neighborhoods into all black and unsafe ‘hoods, full of crime and drugs, and no go zones for whitey.
People have a way of working around bad laws when they are truly against what THE MAJORITY of the people want.
Now, to make some cabbage and bean soup for my next outing.
Dekare, it’s not even how you dress — it’s how you are emotively FEELING at the time you enter the restroom. Do you FEEL like a boy or do you FEEL like a girl at the time you open the door.
As I enter the locker room of my local gym, I will be humming Shania Twain’s song…..”Dunt dah da da, da da dunt….Man!…I feel like a woman….”
Does that make me a lesbian then? Can I yell sexism at my job for not getting a raise or a promotion, and yell “glass ceiling” nonsense? I will complain that I am only making 77% of what I should really be making. Can I feel black too? They get lots of free stuff for just being darker than me….when is that rule coming down the pike? Man, I can not wait for all those awesome benefits to roll in when I can be a handicapped black jewish lesbian. Hell, what if I feel “dead”….can I stop paying taxes? Maybe if I feel schizophrenic, I can get paid twice…or three times, as all of my personalities will be minority women, who should be allowed to get money for just being NOT a white male christian…RIGHT? After that, I am going to marry a telephone pole, and claim I should no longer have to pay for electricity or phones as my spouse is the one that provides them for me, and so I should not have to pay for utilities, and get subsidized from the govt for that stuff. Hey, sounds stupid…maybe now…but it will not be too much longer before this is perfectly normal. Yesterday’s incredible idiots are today’s protected class of people. weeee weeeee….they’re coming to take me away ho ho, they’re ecoming to take me away ha ha….and give me free stuff paid for by the taxpayer. Lunacy is the new normal dontcha know.
As ye sow, so shall ye reap…
Love it when they get smacked with their own lunacy!
Yeah, not caring much about that. If you “buy” into teaching, then you BUY into the PC BULLSHIT.