Let’s Larf At Nance:

He really doesn’t have much of a chance against Nancy Pelosi, but I enjoyed the entertainment value provided by the new video of Congressional challenger John Dennis:

That said, Pelosi’s district — San Francisco — is [no shock, eh?] brain-glazingly Leftist and her job approval — again, in SF only — hovers at 50%. There are roughly 10% to 13% registered Republicans in the 8th District, Pelosi having been “affixed” since 1988. In 2008, if you recall, the illustrious Cindy Sheehan ran against the NanceMeister, with N-Pel still grabbing 72% of the vote.

Here’s a clue as to the Safety Factor of Pelosi’s 8th District seat: the GOP hasn’t been able to install one candidate there since the first half of the 1900s.

Some good things about Mr Dennis, should you live in the 8th and Care To DareCon:

He advocates cutting federal spending, abolition of the Departments of Education, Commerce & Agriculture, doing away with capital gains taxes, cutting income tax and demanding a surplus in the federal budget.

Good luck with that, John. San Francisco is a shockingly-expensive market in which to run.

Still, nice video.


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6 thoughts on “Let’s Larf At Nance:

  1. Awesome and fun video. It got my attention.

    I hope John Dennis beats her and then throws water on her face, maybe she will melt and the world will give a collective sigh of relief.

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