Louisiana’s Demorat Senator Landrieu down 16 points

And about to lose to GOP Representative Bill Cassiday.  From the UKDailyMail.com:

‘Her campaign is running on fumes’: Final Senate race looks to be a Louisiana laugher as internal polls show GOP’s Bill Cassidy opening up 16-point lead over Sen. Mary Landrieu

by David Martosko

Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu is trailing her Republican challenger by a giant 16-point margin in a runoff for one of Louisiana’s two US Senate seats, according to poll results obtained by MailOnline.

Since the outcome no longer affects which party will control the Senate – the GOP will have either a four- or five-seat edge – the DSCC is saving its money for another day.

That would thusly equate to a nice 10-seat Senate seat lead by the GOP.

G’bye Mary; we knew ya when.



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