8 thoughts on “Massachusetts Video:

  1. She’s the WORST of the worst…”Massholes”…good one!

    TF; has Scott Brown been that much of a disappointment? I don’t follow his voting record…..

  2. TF: if I’m not mistaken, once inserted, he voted for the Stimulus. . .

    WSF: she’s an attorney and law professor . . . oooooo, how productive. NOT. A good HVAC repairman is infinitely more valuable.

    Z: he’s been pretty disappointing overall.

    NFO: but Massachusetts gets what it deserves.


  3. Bd: first question for you: did you write a SEPARATE and additional check to the United States government above and beyond your tax obligation for 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 et al?

    If not: SHUT THE FUCK UP.

    Do you write additional checks to your local government to enable their ability to handle local welfare and social programs in the above listed years?

    If not: SHUT THE FUCK UP.

    My guess is that you’re don’t run a business, you don’t have to meet a payroll, you are not obligated to keep a hundred or more employees currently working.

    Because, if you ran a local Der Wienerschnitzel hotdog franchise, for example, you should clearly pay MORE for enabling your employees to get to your business on local roads, on federal freeways, supported by local fire and police services —

    ABOVE and BEYOND what you ALREADY PAY in terms of city, county and federal taxes.

    You know Bd, I occasionally publish your comments because you so easily lend yourself to slaughter.

    And show your ignorance. Go back to T-ball, dude. Go back to your ESTEEM in Kindergarten. And write me when you find work above and beyond pushing the CHEESEBURGER icon at McDonald’s.

    Because a line-level job at McDonald’s isn’t meant to be a final employment point.

    It’s meant to give you experience for your employment lines yet to come, unless you wish to move into Management and beyond.

    You are SUCH an ignorant fuck. And you are so endemic of the weakness of our nation. You stupid shit.

    Hey, BTW, where’s your website? Where’s YOUR island in the ‘net?

    Oh yeah, that’s right. You’re an abject quivering digital COWARD.


  4. Bd is short for “soiled Bvd’s.”

    The lady politician does not understand basic economics, nor capitalism, nor how any company produces or survives.
    Lenin believed in this same socialist order.

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