10 thoughts on “McCain To Announce

  1. I would rather Lieberman than Rice or Huckabee, but completely agree Romney would get my vote (it I could that is 🙂 )

    Obama scares me more and more!


  2. I heard on Fox News just now that Governor Pawlenty of Minnesota had a full schedule of conferences set for tomorrow but has canceled all of his appointments. So, if it is Pawlenty, we know he is conservative and pro-life. However, I also heard speculation about Kay Baily Hutchison. Only the Shadow knows! Oh, and the McCain Camp of course. 🙂

  3. First let me say that I like Lieberman but if McCain is stupid enough to choose him then he deserves to lose.

    So I hope he chooses Romney because I don’t want Obama in the Whitehouse.

  4. Kay Baily Hutchison can’t get reelected HERE, she’d be even worse than Lieberman…

    Ted Nugent or Tom Selleck, that’s the ticket…

    Pro Gun VP, kinda offsets all these gun grabbing commie cocksuckers don’t you think??

  5. I wouldn’t have a problem with Sarah Paulin, or Pawlenty, BUT I think Romney would do the best on stage against Biden. The VP’s have to debate too and Romney is a great speaker. He panders better than any Demorat. LOL

  6. I prefer Romney but would much rather see Lieberman “one heartbeat” from the presidency than either Obama or Biden anywhere near it. That being said, I don’t think it’s either one of them.

  7. I’d kind of like to see Romney as well. He has the corporate smarts, especially with this HUGE MASSIVE RECESSION your suppose to be experiencing, which still hasn’t shown any negative growth…

  8. Sandy: thank you for your comment and welcome aboard! Please come back! I admire your bottom line thought.

    TF: you know, if you’ve ever listened to Nugent interviewed, he is a REMARKABLY politically astute and perspicacious character, highly intelligent.

    All: Romney is almost Too Slick For Comfort, but there’s no disputing he’s an organizer, he’s business savvy. Despite the fact that it’s uncomfortable to mention, the Mormon Factor plays with many.


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