Monday: Leaving Behind The Ocean

Ft Bragg fishing vessel Northern Light approaching the Noyo Harbor inlet.
Northern Light on approach to Noyo Harbor. Taken in almost literal darkness.
Fresh water pond just inland from the ocean, north of Ft. Bragg.
The ocean territory near Glass Beach.
In perfect timing for Halloween, the Six Cormorant Coven convenes whilst waves cascade about.
Big rocks in the MacKerricher Beach area north of Ft. Bragg, Fornicalia.
MacKerricher Beach bay, in the state park area.
Huge buoys, red and green, split by a smaller fishing boat out of Noyo Harbor.
Sailing vessel in — the Isis out of Seattle, Washington — passed by a local and much faster fishing boat.
The crook in Noyo Harbor, taken from Carine’s Restaurant. Mama Carine still works her business at 78, after the passing of her husband four years ago.
An upper tidal pool, only flooded at high tide.
Lunch at the Mendocino Motel.
The Mendocino Hotel lobby bar. Beautiful oval stained glass ceiling with major history over said bar.

Cascading ocean. Makes me think of:

If these ocean photographs weren’t perfect, it was Nobody’s Fault But Mine:

I’m driving home from the Fornicalia Coast even as you read and download this post.


If I don’t make it back to work it’s only because I’m Sick Again:


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3 thoughts on “Monday: Leaving Behind The Ocean

  1. Absolutely stunning photographs!
    The clarity and sharpness at enlarged size, shows no faults!!

    I used to go diving for abalone near there, in the late 60’s.

    You will be fresh and ready to do patrol work now.

  2. Thank you kindly sir. I post photos so that they can be enlarged by the reader and perhaps used as desktops if the ratio fits the screen.

    The only diving I’ve predominantly done has been on land and with great enthusiasm.


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