Monday’s presidential debate: Foreign Policy

So I ask Mr Obama: what foreign policy?

Oh, right.  This:

Bowing?  Scraping?  Asking for permission and forgiveness?  Kicking Israel to the curb?

Yeah, that’s some kind of foreign policy there, Mr Obama.


Evil enjoys weakness.

Hence, from the LA Times:

Chavez, Castro, Putin: Four more years!

The latest [dictator] to publicly announce his support for the commander-in-chief’s reelection bid was Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, who this week assured he’d vote for Obama if he were from the United States. The America-bashing strongman made the announcement on state-owned television, saying “Obama is a good guy” and that if Obama was from Caracas, he’d surely return the favor by voting for Chavez.

Earlier in the year the government-official daughter of Cuban military dictator Raul Castro proclaimed her country’s support for Obama during a visit to the U.S. “I believe that Obama needs another opportunity and he needs greater support to move forward with his projects and with his ideas, which I believe come from the bottom of his heart,” Mariela Castro said during a cable news interview. …

That brings us to Russia’s Vladimir Putin, who has eliminated most elections in his country, monopolized all major media and destroyed the political party system. … In a letter to a major newspaper, the president of a group dedicated to expanding freedom around the world points out that under Putin there has been an “across-the-board crackdown on civil society.” The piece goes on to ask: “Will Obama stand up against Putin’s abuses?” Unlikely, now that the Russian dictator has extended his endorsement.

Evil respects and fears strength; it therefore promotes and does its best to enable weakness in its enemies.

It’s enemies absolute adore a weak America.  They as much as publicly tell us this.




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4 thoughts on “Monday’s presidential debate: Foreign Policy

  1. Is THAT what he was doing during the first debate, BOWING to Mitt Romney? I thought he just couldn’t look him in the eye. Maybe he had the same problem with all the other guys we thought he was bowing to. Ha, ya, right! What a wimp!

    • Joe: correct. No policy, no standard, no insight, no statesmanship, no credibility. His 2008 campaign: to make us more “likeable.”

      1. “Likeable” — is that a POLICY upon which to base a world power??
      2. Did he even accomplish THAT?
      3. No. It is clear that not only are we not “loved” more, we are neither FEARED nor RESPECTED nor ADMIRED.

      We are perceived as nothing more than WEAK by even our allies and CERTAINLY weak by China, Russia, Venezuela, the entire Middle East.

      How’s THAT for a summary of your “foreign policy,” Mr Obama?


  2. As they say out in the country, “He ain’t got no proper fetchings”.

    Look at his behavior (and his wife) with Queen Elizabeth as just one example.

    • Mr Obama has an indefensible foreign policy, save that of ass-kissing and the diminishment of American power. THAT was the key to his SOTTO VOCE aside to Medvedev: just hang on for my second term, I’ll hand this country right over to you in terms of missile defense and sequestration.

      Some policy.

      Romney, I hope you tear the veins out of his neck tonight.


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