More Fornicalia Thoughts: Where To From Here?

I just left some comments on Fetching Jen’s blog (go there now and read her newest post!) and those comments got me to thinking: time to expand on similar issues here.

Using a phrase I like, “doing the logical extension,” I have attempted to forecast and plot the future for the Fornicalia Republican party, and here is what I conclude:

We conservatives and Republicans left Arnold twisting in the wind yesterday. Unfortunately, he didn’t do himself many favors either.

I believe, in general, Republicans need to get out of the Nice Guy mindset and start to FIGHT. I want Bush to fight. I want Arnold to fight. Show me some guts! Show me flame and spirit! Yank out the truth and trumpet it long and hard! Precisely what Arnold didn’t do when the Dem Machine made the propositions not about the issues, but about him. He needed to do that the microsecond the Dem gloves came off.

To me, Arnold has shown a growing interest in carrying out a number of conservative ideas: no licenses for illegal immigrants, no gay marriage blessing, repeal of the fiscally onerous vehicle registration tax, the advocation via our recent propositions of state fiscal responsibility and accountability, the limiting of those very special interests, redistricting —

Okay, sidebar rant for a moment: Thank you, John Doolittle, Republican, for spending GOP money to oppose Proposition 77, you conehead! By the way, sir, I live in your district so take a wild, fanciful guess who I’m not voting for next time around?

Ideally, for governor I’d like to see Tom McClintock sitting in that chair, period. Despite the fact that I sent him $500 of my hard-earned money and received nothing in recognition — I just wanted a “thank you” letter, sir, though I see you cashed my check. I dislike being set on Ignore Mode. Grrrr. . .

Despite that, McClintock can be a bit overwhelming because he’s too logical for a politician and may actually scare people with his laser beam-like issue focus. The best part about Tom McClintock? He actually has answers to issues. Detailed answers, insights and, more importantly, actual solutions and ideas.

McClintock can, admittedly, come off as a tad aloof and arrogant. But there’s no denial that his thoughts and plans utilize logic, common sense, and are based on his senatorial and political experience. He is no neophyte to the political or budgetary games in Fornicalia.

Thinking further, McClintock is in the running for Lt. Governor of Fornicalia. We could theoretically end up with Arnold re-elected, and Tom as LG. If so, it would seem, to me, that it’s always easier to make a run for governor from the inside, so to speak.

Therefore: Arnold needs all the support he can get so that McClintock can step up when Arnold steps down.

We left the Austrian Oak wafting about last Tuesday and that was wrong; now we need to support him more than ever for two reasons: to enable the fruition of his visions (please don’t go centrist, Arnold), and to slot McClintock in for the future governship.

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8 thoughts on “More Fornicalia Thoughts: Where To From Here?

  1. 11 10 05

    Good post Blo Zep:
    I wonder if the GOP can get it together. It seems like many folks are courting libertarianism now. If the GOP can get it together, they will have some winners. But if not, God help us! I don’t want the dems to get anything either. I am starting to think that I am unsure what I want now! You got me thinkin’…:)

  2. BZ,

    Another great post. I promise, promise when you send me a $500 check that I will be QUICK to mail you a thank you letter.

    I apologize for the oversight, but you sent the check to the wrong person and the wrong address. Please re-submit.

  3. 11 10 05

    Thx Blo Zep:
    I will do some research on the guy and thx for the suggestion:) And you know, I am erring more towards the GOP in rhetoric, but need more conservative actions in terms of fiscal policy. If they can show some fiscal restraint, they may win a convert! God forbid my dad with his Mother JOnes loving self see this! ARGHH!

  4. Awesome post. I loved this paragraph, “I believe, in general, Republicans need to get out of the Nice Guy mindset and start to FIGHT. I want Bush to fight. I want Arnold to fight. Show me some guts! Show me flame and spirit! Yank out the truth and trumpet it long and hard! Precisely what Arnold didn’t do when the Dem Machine made the propositions not about the issues, but about him. He needed to do that the microsecond the Dem gloves came off.” I completely agree. Bush and Arnold both need to fight. That’s why I love Tom Delay because he fights, speaks the truth and doesn’t take things sitting down.

  5. Uh oh, today I was listening to Arnold and he’s making some very serious conciliatory noises and admitting he pushed too fast for too much. My Doubt Radar just went up — danger, danger, Will Robinson. . .

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