Mother Jones: 3 meals a day is racist

Racist MealsCan you think of anything more stupid than this?

Of course I can:

The woman having her Planet Fitness membership revoked because she objected to a man who claims he “feels like a woman” being in the womens’ locker room;

Or the UC Irvine Associated Students removing the American flag from a common room because it was oppressive and racist, especially to illegals.

Alright, sorry, only one ridiculous topic at a time.  From

Why You Should Stop Eating Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

by Kiera Butler

Meals are good, and snacking is bad. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and if you eat dinner with your family, you will keep your girlish figure and your kids will be healthier. Taking a lunch break will make you succeed at your job.

Okay, now forget all that. Because as it turns out, the concept of three square meals a day has practically zero to do with your actual metabolic needs. And our dogmatic adherence to breakfast, lunch, and dinner might actually be making us sick.

They observed that the eating schedule of the native tribes was less rigid—the volume and timing of their eating varied with the seasons. Sometimes, when food was scarce, they fasted. The Europeans took this as “evidence that natives were uncivilized,” Carroll explained to me in an email. “Civilized people ate properly and boundaried their eating, thus differentiating themselves from the animal kingdom, where grazing is the norm.”

So there is the so-called “racial component.”  Butler says:

Dogmatic adherence to mealtimes is anti-science, racist, and might actually be making you sick.

Leftists just can’t refrain from turning every aspect of life into some kind of racist/sexist/-ist issue — even meals.

How droll, depressing, tedious and unhappy it must be to be a Leftist.



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3 thoughts on “Mother Jones: 3 meals a day is racist

  1. I’ve said it before, haters are going to hate. They will find something wrong with whatever bothers them to give them reason. Sometimes, the reason are preposterous as in this case. When food is scarce, people will fast. Why? There is no choice when there is nothing to eat. Pretty straight-forward really.

  2. Well if adhering to 3 meals is anti science and racist, then schools should cut out serving lunch to those of color lest they be made to feel subjected to a racist policy. Think of the money saved.
    I suppose wearing clothes is racist as native tribes (depending where they lived) didn’t necessarily wear clothes either.

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