MSM Gets A Clue — She’s a WHAT??!!?

What a body blow!

As I posted yesterday, it would soon be known that SCOTUS nominee Harriet Ellan Miers, 60, is an evangelical Christian. When the MSM actually clued into this fact, I posited a media explosion. It only took 24 hours, but the Big MSM stories of wide-eyed cheek-slapping are here (and MSM wonders why it’s hemorrhaging readers like a New Orleans levee pump).

The New York Times and the Washington Post both are jolted, jolted I tell you, to discover Miers may actually have faith. Zounds! Let’s see: President Bush selected her, and she apparently has religious beliefs. Huh. D’ya think?

I am still, however, unconvinced that she is the finest candidate for the job. I’m thinking Janice Rogers Brown (as she actually has the gall to be a lone dissenter on the California Supreme Court! — this is a bad thing?); Michael McConnell; Michael Luttig.

And oh: Harry Reid likes Miers.

Heavy sigh.

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