Muslim World Now Disappointed In Mr Obama

Literally, every day, there is a brand new nationally-egregious event in the news involving Mr Obama’s administration. Myself and other Conservative bloggers wake in the morning and think: what defeatist measure or ridiculous act will occur today, and how will it be misinterpreted, obfuscated or purposely not covered by the American DEM/MSM?

A recent case in point:

Obama’s ratings slump in Muslim world
Approval of policies down since Cairo speech in 2009

The people in Muslim countries are losing confidence in President Obama’s leadership since he gave a major outreach speech in Cairo last year, according to a worldwide poll released Thursday.

The survey by the Global Attitudes Project, a project of the Pew Research Forum, showed that Mr. Obama’s favorability ratings in Muslim countries dropped significantly from 2009 to 2010, as has support for his foreign-policy actions in the Middle East and South Asia.

Mr. Obama’s ratings were highest in Indonesia, where he spent part of his childhood. A healthy majority of Indonesians – 66 percent – have confidence in his leadership, though that number is still down from 71 percent last year.

Opinions of the president are also negative toward his dealings with specific policy areas. The survey shows strong disapproval of Mr. Obama’s performance on bringing peace between Israel and the Palestinians. For example, 90 percent of Lebanese and 88 percent of Egyptians disapprove of the way he has dealt with the conflict.

Mahdi Bray, executive director of the Muslim American Society, said the results were unsurprising and called the Israeli-Palestinian issue the “big elephant in the room.”

And somehow, this is a bad thing?

How much Historical Alzheimers is extant? I submit: involving the media, more than we can feature.

Directly following 9/11, this country literally bent over backwards for Islam. Up until that time, not so much. The day after, MSM pundits and editorial pages expected that pickup-driving, shotgun-toting white males would engage in Muslim pogroms all over the country. It simply didn’t happen.

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