My Bad: “Computer Users Still Won’t Pay For News”

And this somehow seems to be a revelation because . . . ?

If, for example, I had to physically pay for access to every site I attributed, I’d be broke in less than a month.

When, in truth, every site to which I link in terms of attribution BENEFITS from my direct linkages. My site directs traffic there from my links because I always attribute my contestations. I make no claims that aren’t backed up with information and links.

Every site wants its own Tybalt-like “pound of flesh” these days. Good luck with that.

You likely won’t get it. From

The rapid adoption of tablet computers like Apple’s [AAPL 397.77 -8.00 (-1.97%) ] iPad has not reversed the slide in paying customers for news, as many media company executives had hoped the devices would.

Apple iPad
Getty Images
Apple iPad

Only 14 percent of tablet news users are paying directly for content on the device, according to an extensive survey from the Pew Research Center’s Project for excellence in Journalism.

“In some ways news content on portable devices will go the same way as digital music did a decade or so ago with proliferation of high speed internet and personal computers,” said Dan Nathan, trader and editor of “For a long while people thought they were entitled to it. It wasn’t until it was cheaper and easily accessible through iTunes that people actually bought it.”

So let that be a lesson.

Your crap — particularly your Leftist Crap — isn’t deserving of pay. If everything starts charging a fee, I’ll just turtle up and start producing my own attributions.

I am NOT — repeat — NOT paying each and every news site to which I make an attribution for access to its so-called “information.”

I KNOW, having been a member of the Fourth Estate even in the 70s, that news is skewed.

Simple as that.


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