New To the Honorary BloZep Blogroll!

With each new link in my blogroll to the right, I like to introduce these sites and formally welcome them to the Bloviating Zeppelin blogsite.

Such is it with my newest member, Texas Fred!

Texas Fred was kind enough to place me on his blogroll so, without further ado, I introduce Texas Fred and give him a hearty BloZep “welcome aboard!”

Texas Fred’s website, entitled “And THAT is MY Opinion,” is labeled “News and Comments from my Conservative and Highly Opinionated Point of View.”

He writes: “Welcome to my Blog. . .Comments are moderated with Halo Scan. . .Trolls will be SHOT, survivors will be shot AGAIN.”

Yeah baby! MY kinda blog philosophy!

Hailing from Rowlett, Texas, Fred lists his favorite movies as A Few Good Men, Full Metal Jacket, the Godfather Trilogy, The Right Stuff and Apocalypse Now. His favorite authors include James Clavell, Dale Brown, W.E.B. Griffin and Leon Uris. Now this is a guy I could share a few beers with! One of my absolute all-time classic favorite books is Clavell’s Shogun!

Once again, a hearty “welcome aboard” to Texas Fred and, please, visit his website!


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9 thoughts on “New To the Honorary BloZep Blogroll!

  1. Awww schucks…. ‘Twernt nothin’ a tall… LMAO…

    Wow, THAT was one heck of an introduction… I am impressed with it, really… And thanks a ton, I am what I am and some think I’m the devil incarnate but they’re way out in LEFT field…

    Shogun, Tai-Pan, Nobel House and King Rat, excellent works ALL…

    And John Wayne is my kinda guy too…

    Yeah, I’m a redneck…:)

    And again, thanks for that awesome welcome…

  2. Texas Fred is a great guy. He has helped me out many times when I had trouble with HaloScan. I consider him a friend. Thank you for profiling him.

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