New To “The Usual Suspect” List

I have clearly been remiss in a number of my duties;

Amidst this I have somehow managed to let AB Freedom escape me.

I plan to rectify the situation now.

Please welcome “AB Freedom” to the Bloviating Zeppelin “Usual Suspect” list!

ABF describes himself as a “Single male beating back and exposing the socialist LIEberals just long enough until Alberta achieves independence.”

For this alone you should read his blog!

It is FAR past time that I expand my US list to include those without the American borders, though I have commented a number of times on his own blog.

You think our GOP problems extend solely to the northern border? Think again! AB Freedom takes and makes a stand clearly in opposition to the bulk of his country and for that, he pays a price. But is he alone? I’ll let you make that decision.

WELCOME, once again, AB Freedom, to the BZ Usual Suspect list!


And GOODBYE to my Fetching Jen link; a person who promised me a corresponding link at least a year ago, to her own blog — a “fellow” Sacratomato, Fornicalia blog — which never appeared. See ya Jen; goodbye and good luck!


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8 thoughts on “New To “The Usual Suspect” List

  1. Well thanks BZ! .. I’m totally honored… we both sort of share a common goal, and have similar problems on both sides of the border. I’ve linked up with a number of like minds, and welcome the chance to be linked up with yours as well. Alberta is like a different country, so we very rarely call ourselves Canadian until they get their act together … 😉

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