Not For the Squeamish

If you are easily offended just click on the back button right now and be done with me. Go watch something insipid like American Idol.

For 2006 I’m getting more direct and to the point.

The stakes are higher than ever before and becoming even moreso — for our nation and the world.

I’ll just cut to the chase and make my core proclamation for 2006.

Our current war and those that are coming will get down to religion. Either you will acquiesce to Islam or you will not. If you don’t you are a target for terrorism. And yes, on your own soil. It is immaterial if you are a civilian — in fact, civilians preferred. Women and children perferred. The more babys’ brains on the pavement, the better.

And no, I won’t say that, in general, Islam is a religion of peace. In my understanding of Islam that couldn’t be further from the truth. Islamism and Militant, Fanatical Islam has its roots in Islam. Hello? Duh?

Drawing Lines Literally In The Sand

And I simply do not see those who espouse peace on behalf of Islam distancing themselves from those maniacal violent cutthroats who would rather slit your throat and be done with you.

They’ve had their chance. And I’ll give you the specific date: 09-11-2001.

Yes, that would be almost FIVE YEARS.

So: how many thousands of Imams have lined up against the hostile bloodletting espoused by al Qaeda and its host of allied Islamist factions?

Okay; not thousands. Hundreds?

Okay, not hundreds. Tens?

Okay, not tens. Any?

You tell me.

Placards in mosques? Signs on lawns outside mosques: We Are Americans. We Support America.

Any? Hello? Taken any photographs of same? Seen any in the media? Got some links? Let me know. I’ll place them front and center in my next post.

Make Your Decision Now

Folks, I’m telling you, you’d best get your mind right for 2006.

It will be Islam vs. Christianity.

No one. I repeat: NO ONE. Will have the balls to write this for 2006.

Oh sure, it may not get to that this year. Or the next. But trust me: the bottom line will be precisely that.

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