Obama: ‘The Duck Dynasty family seems like a pretty fun bunch’

Duck Dynasty RobertsonsFrom the WashingtonTimes.com:

by Jessica Chasmar

In a People magazine interview about to his newsstands on Friday, President Obama said the “Duck Dynasty” family seemed like a “pretty fun bunch.”

“The Duck Dynasty family seems like a pretty fun bunch, so I can see how that would be pretty fun,” he responded when asked who’d he’d rather spend the day with — the “Duck Dynasty” family or Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, The Hill reported.

Let’s be frank: Duck Dynasty represents everything that Leftists despise: monogamy, loyalty to one’s spouse, religion, capitalism, success, independence, reverence for one’s country, firearms, the Second Amendment and roughly anything that has to do with the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

So: Obama would like to hang out with the Duck Dynasty crew.  Ooopsie.

What was it that Phil Robertson actually said in the GQ article?  This:

“Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men,” he told GQ in its upcoming issue. “Don’t be deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers — they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not right.”

So apparently those with homosexual behavior were offended, as were those who engage in bestiality, those who are adulterers, idolaters, prostitutes, the greedy, drunkards, slanderers, swindlers — in other words, the bulk of politicians in DC.

And Leftists.

Here is a perfect example: Piers Morgan “tweeted” a few minutes ago:

Just as the 2nd Amendment shouldn’t protect assault rifle devotees, so the 1st Amendment shouldn’t protect vile bigots. #PhilRobertson

Read that again: Just as the 2nd Amendment shouldn’t protect assault rifle devotees, so the 1st Amendment shouldn’t protect vile bigots.

Right, Piers.  The US Constitution just really doesn’t mean a thing.  It’s a terrible and corrupt piece of paper that should be scrapped, burned.  And, as you clearly do not “Grok” the concept of a United States of America, I submit you should scurry back, post-haste, to your Guildford, UK birthplace.  Because that United Kingdom is such a wonderful and embracing place these days, is it not?  SO much better than the US.

But here’s the terrible truth: the First Amendment doesn’t exist to protect speech of pablum.  It exists to protect challenging speech.  And the Second Amendment doesn’t exist to protect just hunters.  It exists to protect basic citizens and their right to defend themselves from not only hostile, violent and tumultuous intruders, but from its government as well.  Know your history.

And for one brief moment Obama liked the Robertsons — until they conflicted with his predilections.

But: I bet the Robertsons really are a fun bunch.  And they have the ratings to prove it.




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5 thoughts on “Obama: ‘The Duck Dynasty family seems like a pretty fun bunch’

  1. As of today, I will NOT be watching anything A&E airs. Further more, I WILL be letting them know this.

    That British asshat needs to vacate our dear country! He belongs to AND in the United Kingdom. HEY BRITS, he’s one of yours, take him back!!

  2. Why don’t people get it? Freedom of expression does not mean a damned unless you are willing to grant those with vastly differing ideas than yours the same right of expression.

  3. The 2nd Amendment doesn’t protect assault weapons devotees. The 1st Amendment doesn’t protect protect bigots.

    The whole Bill of Rights doesn’t protect the right of the people. The rights of the people are natural or God-given rights. To the extent it is followed, what the Bill of Rights protects is the legitimacy of the government.

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