Obama’s Spending

As I’ve said before many times: federal spending has got to stop.

President Bush never met a spending bill he didn’t embrace. His utilization of the presidential veto? Damned near non-existent. He signed off on the first TARP.

But Our Hero, Mr Obama, has taken spending to absolutely unprecedented levels. And I truly believe that He has completely no concept as to the number of zeroes behind any given bill. To Him, they’re just wild-assed numbers that mean little if anything.

They hold no real significance or reality in His World.

Mr Obama already admitted that energy prices will “skyrocket” under his Cap and Trade plan. His words are plain and immured in video:

He said:

Under my plan of a cap and trade system electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. Businesses would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that cost onto consumers.”

Our Hero wants to introduce these bills during an actual Recession.

Are you insane?

When has it been shown in any portion of economic history that any nation has been able to spend itself out of a recession?

When has it ever been an excellent idea to craft and pass bills that would require billions and billions of dollars to complete?

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