11 thoughts on “Octical Occlusions

  1. Pretty cool! I can read the colored chart, but it takes an effort. The only one I don’t get is the picture with the man and woman standing in front of the lake.

  2. One of the interesting things I learned at SIGGRAPH back in… hmmmmm… *scritching head* 2003! San Diego… what a place… if you like a saline mist at a constant 67 degrees… I seem to have rambled…

    Was the short non-perceptual visual content presentation. A presenter from Montreal, I believe it was, presented one picture and then ran another for such a short time you literally could not perceive it. But when the original was put back up he then asked what had changed between the two pictures. The second person answered correctly.

    He said that in double-blind studies a fully 57% of people could remember things that they had not perceived correctly and of the remainder that could identify no change, if asked to guess, would guess correctly at 52% (I think it was). Yes, you do have a non-conscious, visual perception system that is very pretty accurate. The commentator pointed out that with a 2 to 7% advantage over blind chance, you could take that to Vegas.

    Then there is the whole visual codec system that is exactly the reverse of how you perceive things… but *that* is another story…

    Thank you for the fine headache today, Mr. Z!

  3. AJ: hope the headache wasn’t too terribly bad. In reference, yesterday I had the “flexible sigmoidoscopy” experience and, as a result, I disagree mightily with the very first word.

    San Diego is a great place; I’m lucky enough to be attending a class one week a month, until September, there. Next week is my second session in SD.

    Very intriguing visual concepts.

  4. I read the colored chart!! But at first it was hard.. OH.. I just read Gayles comment, and mine is the same.. i will have to go back and look..
    Love the new pic!! Is that you?? If not, it sure fits ya!

  5. elhEcho: yes, you saw that. It’s a favorite corrupted phrase of mine that some people catch and some don’t. I also use it as an “excuse” when I catch someone in, shall we say, “prevarications.”


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