One Final Reflection:

It was great to have a bicycle on the trip! The room overlooking the entrance to Noyo Harbor.

My wife hand stitched a Teddy Bear for me during the trip.

Noyo Harbor, looking west.

BZ and his brother.
Look. It’s a dog.
We came back with an additional passenger, a black wirehaired terrier mix. I liberated her from the Mendocino Animal Shelter. She’s four years old.

I sense there are many adventures in our future.

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9 thoughts on “One Final Reflection:

  1. That’s fantastic and you saved a wonderful animal. We have three ourselves, two we rescued.

    Nothing like having dogs.

    Good for you.

    Mine are right here with me, Molly (English Springer Spanial), Maxwell (Jack Russel) and Macy (Black Lab with a red collar).

  2. What did you name the stray, BZ?

    I’ve never heard of NOYO BAY/’s GORGEOUS. How far up the coast is it?
    and what a view from your room..the CA coast is incredibly beautiful, isn’t it.

    Thanks for the pix…wonderful.

    And, is that teddy bear MINK or something? WOW!

  3. Great pics BZ!! LOVE dogs too!! Looks like she will get along with your cats too! :~)

    Glad you had a great time and what an awesome wife you have!

  4. Thanks TF!

    Ranando: haven’t had a dog for quite a number of years; it’ll be an adjusting process all over again.

    Shoprat: I sure hope so!

    Z, she had a name already: Lilly. So I’ve decided to keep that name. The fur isn’t mink but some kind of nicely processed fake fur.

    Rivka: thanks!


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