Paul Ryan & ObamaKare:

Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan (R-1st District) manages, in this video, to budgetarily shred and skewer the Demorats’ ObamaKare directly in front of Mr Obama himself — by using the very things despised and feared most by the Left: facts.

Check the look of disdain and, dare I conjure, naked hatred on the gesicht of The One (Obama’s Note To Self: no White House “holiday” card to Mr Ryan this year). Do I in fact see the Famed Obama Middle Finger proffered to Mr Ryan? — Why yes, I believe I do.

Please watch the video (h/t to The Crank Files):

The Left and Demorats always speak in terms of “sustainability.” ObamaKare is the epitome of unsustainability simply in budgetary terms — much less taking into account the mind-bending societal terms.

“Facts are stubborn things.” – John Adams


And yes, when you’re looking at that video, our actual president truly is that coarse, rude, itinerant and classless. He is arrogant, megalomaniacal, narcissistic. He is literally “giving the finger” to those with whom he disagrees.

People, this is someone you could possibly admire? Anyone still supporting Mr Obama is simply an ignorant Neanderthal.

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13 thoughts on “Paul Ryan & ObamaKare:

  1. Mags: why yes, I would completely agree.

    If persons with actual open minds aren’t swayed by this video and Mr Obama’s reaction, then they really and truly are beyond redemption. Our president reacts as would a kindergartner.


  2. Wow, I’m still curious on how my tree hugging, hippy liberal aunt still supports Barry O?! The only liberal in the family and BHO can do no wrong in her eyes. Even when facts are there. Look for a youtube video titled “how to brainwash a nation.” It explains how liberalism, socialism, communism and such are spread effectively, without interference. It also explains that once indoctrinated with certain ideals, facts will not be looked upon as fact, instead, it will be taken as propaganda.

  3. Then there is what Rep. Ryan pointed out… that federal mandates that prevent small businesses from banding together to get national plans from insurers means that they can’t get the price breaks big companies get for such plans. So if you want to get more small businesses covering people with insurance, and you can get that without having to mandate a national market but just by removing the mandate that they can’t form a market on their own… and it costs zero federal dollars to do that… then why, oh why, do we get Republicans talking about ‘creating a national market’ from the federal government? I can see why Democrats love it, as it supports big businesses and labor unions, but why is it that Republicans want to make that mess worse with more regulation, when what is needed is less regulation?

    Or do Republicans love the ‘foot in the door’ concept of federal power inching its way into everything via regulations? I can see why the authoritarian Left loves that stuff… they never saw a regulation they didn’t love… but Republicans?

    Until Republicans actually do as they say about less regulation and mean it, which can be simply done by repealing a mandate in this case, they can go fish. Stop it with the regulationitis. You can easily get a few more million of the ‘uninsured’ insured this way at zero cost to the federal government… but can that even be spoken in politics today?

  4. “our actual president truly is that coarse, rude, itinerant and classless. He is arrogant, megalomaniacal, narcissistic. He is literally “giving the finger” to those with whom he disagrees.”

    And THOSE are his GOOD points…

  5. I’m surprised that someone in his past years as a community organizer, didn’t take that finger off at the knuckle, and shove it up his ass, La Cosa Nostra style.

  6. Chris: you got it. I’m gonna go find that video and thanks for the tip!

    DM: good point. . .

    AJ: “Until Republicans actually do as they say about less regulation and mean it, which can be simply done by repealing a mandate in this case, they can go fish.”

    And they STILL don’t “get” that yet, AJ; I’m convinced of it.

    TF: I always — well, pretty much always — try to be as kind as possible.

    Mr Chuck: that may occur, somewhat symbolically, in the future.

    Z: hmm. Other than that vid, I don’t know much about him at all.

    NFO: and he gets away with it. Can you imagine if Bush had somehow mistakenly “given the finger” during any meeting or public venue?


  7. I’ve seen the video of Paul Ryan several times and must admit he has his s#$t together! I normally don’t get into the weeds on things and prefer generalizations, but in this case Paul Ryan was correct with the facts and his presentation was great.

  8. “our actual president truly is that coarse, rude, itinerant and classless. He is arrogant, megalomaniacal, narcissistic. He is literally “giving the finger” to those with whom he disagrees.”

    Yeah, what a bad, bad man to have the party of liars, corporate whores and NO sit down an talk. Gimme a break.

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