Pelosi Balloon Busted

Support for Demorat Speaker Pelosi’s house resolution to condemn Turkey for its 1915 Armenian killings is becoming dust in the wind:

Whether it will come up or not, what the action will be, remains to be seen,” Ms. Pelosi told reporters on Capitol Hill today. Her uncertainty stood in sharp contrast to her earlier pledge to bring the measure to the floor if it emerged from the House Foreign Affairs Committee, which it did a week ago by 27 to 21.

Worried about antagonizing Turkish leaders, House members from both parties have been withdrawing their support from the resolution, which had been backed by the Democratic leadership.

The measure’s prospects were weakened further today when Representative John P. Murtha, the Pennsylvania Democrat who heads the Appropriations subcommittee on military matters, spoke out against it.

“What happened nearly 100 years ago was terrible,” said Mr. Murtha, who has urged the speaker not to bring up the resolution for a vote. “I don’t know whether it was a massacre or a genocide, but that is beside the point. The point is, we have to deal with today’s world.”

John Murtha went “off the reservation” on the issue — a bit surprising.
But what really happened is this: the Blogosphere became absolutely alive with the issue, and those connected to the ‘sphere spread the word through blogs, new media and those NASTY Conservative talk shows.

The ONLY reason for the creation of this resolution was to enable Demorats to cut off support to our troops in Iraq because, had the resolution passed, Turkey would have cut off Incirlink Air Base and our ability to either operate from or through the country. Troops would have had their supplies, ammunition, food, etc. primarily cut off. The move was purely political.

Support of Congress is at its lowest ever — 11%. And Pelosi’s failure to overtly attempt to short shrift our troops once more will place her even more squarely in the sights of Leftist Moonbats. After all, no politician is sufficiently Left for The Left.

And who says the Blogosphere isn’t influential?

My thanks to all who blogged on the issue!

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4 thoughts on “Pelosi Balloon Busted

  1. Here’s something more, Fred: my WORK computer’s SurfWatch screens your site out like it screens out YouTube. In any event, Pelosi can’t even pull THIS shit off without the RIGHT WING CONSERVATIVE BLOGOSPHERE stirring up the crap. Ain’t life grand? 11%. How cool!


  2. I heard this great news on Fox News yesterday, BZ, and couldn’t be happier! It’s a surprise for sure that Murtha spoke out against it. Perhaps he has a bit of brain matter left after all.

  3. This was the most asinine house resolution. As you point out it was done purely to weaken our support from Turkey in the War in Iraq and make the Democrats look like they actually care about genocide. Despicable!!

    Shocker that Murtha was on the right side but as they say a broken clock is right twice a day ;-).

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