Pot in Colorado

Pot In Colorado

“Nice dope, dude,” says the moronic Millennial Caucasoid in Colorado.

The facts are in, from a study regarding legalized marijuana in Colorado.

Arrests are down and visits to hospitals and emergency rooms are up.  Way up.  By 30%.  Calls to poison control centers are skyrocketing as well in Colorado, five times.

Drug use: life expectancy is now down for whites.  Because of drugs.

Blacks and illegals are applauding.  Keep killing Caucasoids, they say.  Caucasoids are obliging via drug deaths.

More people in Colorado are smoking pot and it’s killing more people.  The report is from the Colorado Department of Safety.

Traffic deaths involving THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, are up 44%.

High school drivers have not experienced that increase.  But if you’re in high school in Colorado, 13% of kids 12 to 17 smoke marijuana vs 7% nationally.  For those over 26, those statistics are double.

Adult use of marijuana in Colorado is up from 7.6% to 12.4%.

Good times.  High times.

America is going the way of Rome.



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3 thoughts on “Pot in Colorado

  1. Since I live in Colorado I should be more aware but I’m not. The only real change I see are the “dispensaries” are in nearly the same places as the dealers operated from. That is not meant as sarcasm. Most weeks I notice more drunks than stoners.

    One change I do notice are the hairy eyeballs from the police in neighboring states as they see your Colorado license plates.

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