Pressure & Reality: Starting to Work on the Demorats?

Reality and pressure may be starting to set in with, at least, a handful of Demorats.

From CNN Politics, of all places:

Washington (CNN) – Thirty-one House Democrats, most of whom face tough re-election bids this fall, have signed a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer urging them to extend expiring tax breaks for all income levels, including the wealthy.

And another little salient but ignored tidbit from

Democratic candidates are spending three times more advertising against the health reform law than they are in support of it.

Since the beginning of Congress’s August recess, Democratic candidates have poured $930,000 into ads deriding the health overhaul but just $300,000 in pro-reform spots, according to Evan Tracey at Kantar Media.

One Demorat House candidate in Tennessee is actually asking Speaker Pelosi to step down for the “good of the order”:

Democratic District 6 Congressional candidate Brett Carter is asking U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi to step aside for the good of Democratic candidates.

Again, pressure and reality starting to get in the way?

Carter, in an announcement made in Nashville on Thursday morning, said he sent a letter to Pelosi requesting her to step aside.

“I think it is incumbent on Speaker Pelosi to step aside,” Carter said.

Citing a report in the Murfreesboro Daily News Journal, where Carter was described to have an albatross around his neck in the form of Pelosi, said the divisiveness she generates hamstrings his and other Democratic candidates’ abilities to focus on the issues.

“I don’t believe my situation is unique,” Carter said.

If elected, Carter said he would not cast his vote for Nancy Pelosi to be speaker.

This is a perfect juxtaposition for Conservatives.

An even bigger opportunity for Republicans.

Will they take advantage of it?


Hey, whilst you’re at it, why not “suggest” a nice caption on the top photograph, eh?

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14 thoughts on “Pressure & Reality: Starting to Work on the Demorats?

  1. For a caption, I submit:

    “I embody Chicago Corruption; your hair (massive inhalation) smells like the finest of Left Coast and SF Corruption. I believe we can make beautiful and mutually beneficial music together.”

    – Rahm Emanuel


  2. BZ –

    Cute caption.

    But, as far as it being real change, it isn’t. It’s little more than a shift to the right in order to save their asses and their jobs. They’ll go right back to thinking they know better than the populus on November 5th.

    If people are foolish enough to let them get away with it, that is.

    I’ll have to think about the caption thing.


  3. Dems are the most duplicitous lot to ever exist, they are the definition of duplicity…

    They will eat their own in an attempt to hold office, right or wrong has little to do with it, POWER has everything to do with it, power and control, and DAMN the American taxpayer…


    Rahm: I can smell you womanly musk Nancy! Are you aroused?”

    Pelosi: “No Rahm, I farted… “

  4. Personally that makes me throw up a little. The hag and Obama’s boy toy. Yeach!

    We stated back in 2006, the Democrats would take over and look at California for the results.

    It’s 2010 and the idiots in congress are doing the same stupid shit Cali did. Overspend, over regulate, over promise, over entitle…etc.

    We said way back then if you wanted a glimpse into the future under Demorat rule look at Cali…Seems we were right on.

    Hopefully, the nation as a whole doesn’t want that future and will vote these slugs out.

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