Pushing The Envelope, Part I: Parkour

Parkour, otherwise known as the art of French Free Running.

The human being has always pushed the envelope into and beyond the realms of danger. This is the first of three consecutive Sunday postings displaying how restless Man is with the mundane and how he purposely crosses the threshold into danger willingly — and sometimes unwillingly.

Isn’t it wonderful to be young? Give these guys another ten years and let’s see how wonderful their joints and bones are. Just when you thought some of the human stunts you’ve seen in movies were digitized, now you realize “that ain’t necessarily so.”
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12 thoughts on “Pushing The Envelope, Part I: Parkour

  1. I have to say….it does make my heart race! I SO wish I could do something like this. I miss being an athlete…

    I’ve never seen this before. Cool videos, BZ!

  2. Skiing gives a similar rush. “Getting some airtime” as you skip off a mogul or pop off the lip of the hilltop. The half-pipe is a gas, too. Check out a Warren Miller flick sometime.

  3. We used to call it playing follow the leader – or just being chased by an older brother. You’d be amazed at how fast the mind can judge distances and what the body needs to do to survive when the big brother is after blood…

  4. LOL< yeah you can ask Ted Nugent about jumping from heights whne you are young and what happens when you get older...Poor guys knees are shot and he's struggling to get into his tree stands. Pretty cool vids though

  5. Used to do something like this in college at UC Santa Cruz, some thirty years ago because we wanted to break-free of the standards set by the stations at the par course. UCSC has a lot of opportunities for that, what with the bridges and ravines. Some of my rock-climber friends used to go rappelling from the bridges with their fall-ropes.

  6. News to me! I just remember all those “stations of the cross” and various equipments on the physical training walk – At station D do X-many these after jogging from C-to-D… It was too confining and deliberate. 🙂
    Nowdays I’d rather ride dirtbikes offroad. Never had much use for skiing – you can’t go uphill and you’re at the mercy of gravity, and it’s COLD! I hate the cold.

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