Race-baiting Marilyn Mosby is 0-6, AND text messages show collusion, perjury?

Marilyn Mosby Press ConferenceNot one charge Marilyn Mosby brought against any of the Baltimore police officers named in the Freddie Gray case has been upheld.  Mosby is 0 for 3 in cases brought before the court, and the other three cases have been dismissed as of last Wednesday, making her score a resounding 0 for 6.  This is called a clue.

From the BaltimoreSun.com:

Charges dropped, Freddie Gray case concludes with zero convictions against officers

by Kevin Rector

Prosecutors dropped all charges Wednesday against three Baltimore police officers accused in the arrest and death of Freddie Gray, bringing to an end one of the highest-profile criminal cases in the city’s history with zero convictions.

Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby acknowledged the long odds of securing convictions in the remaining cases following the acquittals of three other officers on similar though more serious charges.

In a hearing Wednesday meant to start the trial of Officer Garrett Miller, prosecutors dropped their cases against him, Officer William Porter and Sgt. Alicia White. Circuit Judge Barry G. Williams, who had acquitted the other officers, was expected to preside over the remaining trials as well.

Hit the pause button.  Were you aware that the jurist who acquitted the officers is Judge Barry G Williamsblack?  Gaze, if you will, upon Judge Barry G. Williams.  This is not a Caucasoid judge or a man who must fight what Social Justice Warriors term white privilege. Did you know the prosecutions cost $7.4 million dollars?  And did you know that, under Maryland law, the charged officers — all defendants — can opt for a trial by a jury or a judge?  Why would law enforcement officers choose a black judge?


Fox News broke information on Friday, via the Baltimore Sun, that very important text messages between the police investigator and the attorney for the prosecution are now coming to light which leads to some serious questions (perhaps even charges?) involving the state prosecutors.

These text messages, which are time/date stamped as most are, counter what is now being said by Marilyn Mosby.

The lead detective, Dawnyell Taylor, said she had handwritten case notes from the prosecutors indicating they were going to charge the officers in the Freddie Gray case no matter what the officers said or where the evidence led.

Read that over again and let it seep into your wheelhouse.

Taylor said she was handed a narrative by the prosecution that she read to the grand jury regarding indictments of the officers.  Taylor said:

“As I read over the narrative it had several things that I found to be inconsistent with our investigation.  I thought the statements in the narrative were misquoted.”

Taylor also said that when the jurors began to ask her questions, the prosecutors intervened before she could respond:

“They did not intend for me to answer any questions because all of my answers would obviously conflict with what I had just read to them.”

Read that over again and let it seep into your wheelhouse.

Marilyn Mosby now claims — of course — that those case notes were written “after the fact” in order to undermine the prosecution’s case.

Mosby said:

“Lead detectives that were completely uncooperative and started a counter-investigation to disprove the state’s case by not executing search warrants pertaining to text messages among police officers involved in the case, creating videos to disprove the state’s case, without our knowledge, creating notes that were drafted after the case was launched.”

Still and all, on the day that Taylor testified before the grand jury, on the same day the grand jury voted to indict the officers, Taylor sent a text message to the deputy state’s attorney almost identical to her case notes:

“I did not feel comfortable reading that script before we discussed it and I swore to it.  I’m find with finding the facts but between us I believe we omitted key things from their combined statements.”

Read that over again and let it seep into your wheelhouse.

The deputy state’s attorney’s response was:

“Understood and you skipped parts of it.”

The deputy state’s attorney then tried to have Detective Taylor removed from the case entirely, but she wasn’t successful in her endeavor.

Go back to Mosby’s statement of videotapes and their “creating videos to disprove the state’s case.”  Where are the videos?  Who made them?  Where is the evidence of those tapes?

It doesn’t exist.

Did Mosby relent because she “finally realized” she had no cases, or because of the upcoming Kastigar Hearing, as Professor John Banza suggested on Fox News?

The text messages, now coming to light, seem to back up precisely what the lead investigator, Dawnyell Taylor, is saying about the prosecutors.

And it all falls squarely upon the shoulders of Marilyn Mosby.

Is she motivated by politics or justice?  Activism or truth?


From the ConservativeTribune.com:

BREAKING: New Text Messages Show Huge Secret Baltimore Prosecutor Is Hiding From Judge

Text messages obtained by the attorneys for the six policemen on trial for the death of Freddie Gray show that the office of Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby may have committed perjury in preliminary motions filed in the case.

According to the attorneys, they have phone logs and text messages from April 27 that show that one of Mosby’s prosecutors was “judge shopping” to find a friendly judge to issue a warrant.

The calls and messages were from assistant state’s attorney Albert Peisinger, who contacted Baltimore Circuit Court Judge Timothy Doory to obtain a search warrant for the officers’ phones after another judge had denied the warrant.

In a response motion last week, Mosby described the allegations of judge shopping to get warrants a “falsehood.” Given the extensive records to the contrary, Mosby’s motion could constitute perjury.

Read that over again and let it seep into your wheelhouse.

“Mosby’s motion could constitute perjury.”

It is no secret that, not unlike her melanin-match heart-throb, Barack Hussein Obama, Mosby is agenda- and race-driven as illustrated by her premature decision to not only charge all the officers before the facts were in (let’s not forget Obama’s “he acted stupidly”) but to overcharge as well.  It’s also no secret that the officers involved in the Freddie Gray case are suing Marilyn Mosby.

This is not without precedent, and it would serve Mosby well to recall the name of Michael Nifong and the Duke lacrosse team rape case.  Nifong pushed relentlessly to fulfill his agenda-driven meme of evil Caucasoid rapists and found himself ultimately disbarred and bankrupt.

Note to Marilyn Mosby: this is what happens when you let race and preconceived philosophical schemes get in the way of facts and evidence.

You look like a blithering moron.

Then you find yourself in court.



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7 thoughts on “Race-baiting Marilyn Mosby is 0-6, AND text messages show collusion, perjury?

  1. By the way, as an aside: wasn’t it the black community that said, regarding OJ’s not guilty verdict, that we’ll just have to “get over it”?

    In response I’d have to say to Marilyn: YOU get the fuck over it. Your state judge, who happens to match your melanin count, saw through your biased and impulsive charges and your agenda-driven, prejudiced decisions.


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