Report: Unions Funding GOP Super PAC That Targets Tea Party

Fat Cat Old Guard GOPWhat?

Did you read that correctly?

A GOP Super PAC exists — funded by Demorat Unions — that works against the TEA Party?

In one word: yes.

From Breitbart’s

by Michael Patrick Leahy

On Monday, the National Journal reported that “documents filed by other groups show that two labor organizations, the International Union of Operating Engineers and the Laborers’ International Union of North America, directed a combined $400,000 to the Republican group [the Defending Main Street super PAC] in September and October.”

The Defending Main Street super PAC was organized at the end of 2012 by former Congressman Steve LaTourette (R-OH), and  has very publicly declared war on the Tea Party. It is affiliated with and has offices at the same location as the Republican Main Street Project, which LaTourette currently heads and which former Congressman Tom Davis (R-VA) led from 2009 to 2012.


Ladies and gentlemen.

Captain ObviousPlease allow me to hold hands with Captain Obvious for a few minutes, and state the blatant:

The Old Guard GOP consists of those persons whose (R) behind their name means they are arrogant, elitist, supercilious, aristocratic, pretentious, grandiloquent and — more importantly — separate from you and me.

And they want to keep it that way.

Just like the Demorats.

They exist in the Rarified Air of the DC Beltway and knock down high-octane cocktails at the end of the day — asshole to elbow — with the Demorats.

These persons have names like John McCain and Mitch McConnell and John Boehner and Lindsey Graham.  To start.

And they need to be eliminated and voted out of office and their benefits eradicated as well.

One final paragraph:

Tea Party activists around the country were not surprised that the Republican establishment has enlisted the financial support of unions in their efforts to defeat limited government policies. Ben Cunningham, founder of the Nashville Tea Party, told Breitbart News on Monday “this confirms our belief that Washington, D.C. is about one thing and that is power. Whatever method will allow those in D.C. to keep power will be used.”

Finally.  The GOP is making their game clear.

Which is why I no longer write checks to the GOP — and I vote Independent.




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2 thoughts on “Report: Unions Funding GOP Super PAC That Targets Tea Party

  1. “The Old Guard GOP consists of those persons whose (R) behind their name means they are arrogant, elitist, supercilious, aristocratic, pretentious, grandiloquent and — more importantly — separate from you and me.”

    May i add, unindicted?

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