Rick Santorum: Income Inequality Is Proper

And I would have to complete agree.

For whatever reason, these Santorum quotes are running rampant through the internet and, of course, plastered all over the Leftist blogs and some completely daft Conservative blogs. “How could he say that?” these blogs rail.

Easy. He’s entirely correct.

An earlier quote, from December 20th of 2011:

The reason you see some sympathy among the American public for them is the grave concern — and it’s a legitimate one — that blue-collar workers, lower-income workers, are having a harder and harder time rising,” the former Pennsylvania senator said at a presidential campaign stop. “They talk about income inequality. I’m for income inequality. I think some people should make more than other people, because some people work harder and have better ideas and take more risk, and they should be rewarded for it. I have no problem with income inequality.

“President Obama is for income equality. That’s socialism. It’s worse yet, it’s Marxism,” Santorum said. “I’m not for income equality. I’m not for equality of result — I’m for equality of opportunity.”

“The key in America is that people can rise, that there are opportunities to move up. In that area, America is falling short now. We are not as income-mobile as even some western European countries, according to a lot of the data. So that is something that as Republicans we should be talking about and be concerned about.”

There is income inequality in America. There always has been and hopefully, and I do say that, there always will be. Why? Because people rise to different levels of success based on what they contribute to society and to the marketplace and that’s as it should be.”
“We shouldn’t have a society that has a President who envies or creates class warfare or envy between one group of people and another.”
“We should celebrate like we do in the small towns all across American — as you do here in Detroit. You celebrate success. You build statues and monuments. Buildings, you name after them. Why? Because in their greatness and innovation, yes, they created wealth, but they created wealth for everybody else. And that’s a good thing, not something to be condemned in America.”

Our nation is founded but upon an attempt for equality of opportunity, but no guarantee whatsoever in terms of outcome. Leftists want — no, demand — equality of outcome.

And that just can’t stand.

I repeat, at risk of revisiting the Department of Redundancy Dept:

Rick Santorum, here, is absolutely correct in his statements.

All others are simply wrong.


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5 thoughts on “Rick Santorum: Income Inequality Is Proper

  1. I watched the video clip.

    Santorum is exactly correct.

    Furthermore, equality of income (meaning equality of outcome) is tyranny.

    A little example that my grandmother used: “If I have $10 and you have no dollars, to equalize I have to lower my $10 to $5 — even if you have done nothing to earn that $5. And I’m $5 poorer.”

  2. I heard the clip on the radio and totally agreed with him.
    Of course, that makes us disgusting Republicans who hate the poor because the fringe left can’t think past that, right? 🙂

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