Russia & China Quit the US Dollar!

Get prepared, ladies and gentlemen, your world is about to change. And it won’t be comfortable.

Mr Obama purposely ignored the American people, and he ignored everyone at the recent G20 summit. Hence:
St. Petersburg, Russia – China and Russia have decided to renounce the US dollar and resort to using their own currencies for bilateral trade, Premier Wen Jiabao and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin announced late on Tuesday.
Chinese experts said the move reflected closer relations between Beijing and Moscow and is not aimed at challenging the dollar, but to protect their domestic economies.
“About trade settlement, we have decided to use our own currencies,” Putin said at a joint news conference with Wen in St. Petersburg.
The two countries were accustomed to using other currencies, especially the dollar, for bilateral trade. Since the financial crisis, however, high-ranking officials on both sides began to explore other possibilities.
While the rest of America ignorantly conducts a Thanksgiving feast for nothing, forces around the world are planning for the demise of our country.
The bulk of Americans have no damned idea what this means, and what could result.
The precipice, my friends, it may finally be in front of our very faces. And our administration is veritably the least competent, the least capable of understanding and/or discovering a solution. Because it runs not on common sense nor on flexibility or transparency; it instead runs on doctrine, intransigence, rigidity, opacity.
This could be the actual fulcrum.
Thanksgiving this year, I submit, is a distraction.
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13 thoughts on “Russia & China Quit the US Dollar!

  1. Americans are not realists even when the precipice is right in front of them.

    This household has much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving — on a personal level. But nationally and internationally, we are screwed.

  2. The interesting point is this will hit companies like Walmart and ToysR Us where it hurts, they will have to convert $$ to pay the Chinese. What if they decided to not buy and look elsewhere? Then China will have lots of folks out of work, and that didn’t go over well the last time it happened, much less today. It could be a tipping point, but in which direction? That is the question…

  3. I can’t even imagine we’re actually reading headlines like yours, BZ..and nobody but us seems to notice or care. MAN.

    Well, Happy Thanksgiving to you…and ALL the very best blessings. xx Z

  4. Yeah Who exactly has been in control for the last 4 years? Uh I submit Democrats have destroyed our nation in only 4 years…The hag in the house should take a bow.

    On a side note… Blew-a-deacon Son you really need to quit believing every thing you read from Code Pink and the socialist forum.

    Happy thanksgiving BZ and all who truly are Americans. That would obviously remove Blew-a-deacon from the well wishes.

  5. Blew-a-Deacon; Son I’ve owned you in every discussion, since I first read your dribble here on BZ’s site. I’ve listened to your insults your snide remarks and your obama worship and frankly I’ve gave up you. You are what’s known as a “Unknowing casualty” if there were ever to be a civil war. You would be trampled and forgotten, you have left a mark on the internet with your idiocy and people that have read your comments are come away wondering if people like you have to be told when to breathe to keep from suffocating.

    Don’t ever think I have to resort to name calling to own you, it’s just more fun.

    Now get off the computer, go tell your professor he’s clueless and tell your mom to make me a sammich I’ll be over tonight and your room better be clean!

  6. What do China and Russia have in common? Two things:

    1) economies propped up by bad debt,
    2) an agricultural shortfall due to a dustbowl in China and a failure of the crops in Russia.

    Tell me how these are stable nations.

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