Scenes from the Pacific Ocean

Samsung Note 4, 11-10-2014 195I’ve spent the past two weeks on the Fornicalia coast adjacent the Pacific Ocean.

This is the last vacation I’ll have whilst employed.  And it bothers me.  On my next vacation, my productive life will have ended as I’ll be retired.  That too I find disturbing.

Back on track now:

Though I hate the government of Fornicalia, I have to admit that the state itself is one of beauty, incredible scenery and fabulous weather.

Perhaps the most amazing part of this journey is the fact that I documented it with nothing more than a phone — the new Samsung Galaxy Note 4.  In some cases, my phone was more efficacious and provided greater resolution than the digital camera I customarily carry.  It certainly was more convenient than my photographic Plan B.

Click on each photo to embiggen.  The horizontals would make nice desktops.

Samsung Note 4, 11-10-2014 187Samsung Note 4, 11-10-2014 188Queenie’s Roadhouse Cafe in Elk, CA.  Q on the bun nowhere else.  GREAT burgers!

Samsung Note 4, 11-10-2014 202Samsung Note 4, 11-10-2014 208Samsung Note 4, 11-10-2014 334Samsung Note 4, 11-10-2014 336Samsung Note 4, 11-10-2014 227My intrepid dog Teddy, a terrier/mix unit of some degree, affixed with a nice fleece coat.

Samsung Note 4, 11-10-2014 343And after almost two weeks, there is one final day.  Then back to the final five months of my tenure as a cop.  The rough surf cascades in no cadence at night but soothes me at night.  Until such dreams may come.



Still stultified that these photos stem from a phone.  Incredibleu.  .  .

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5 thoughts on “Scenes from the Pacific Ocean

  1. Yes, the government stinks but the state is gorgeous…and you can snow ski in the mountains and water ski on the ocean within a few hours! We’ve got everything (actually a little too much when it comes to certain people….like Democrats 🙂
    Thanks…these pix of our state are so beautiful…..shimmering ocean, that fogginess that’s got such a beauty of it’s own.
    I LOVE California!

  2. I said “foggy” but it looks like just that lovely overcast time that’s less foggy than just plain gray, overcast, which has such a beauty of its own, making the blue ocean go aqua and gray… beautiful!

  3. The current State of California should be split in half.
    Let the LA mexicans have the southern half.
    Loved the Eureka area where I was first assigned.
    Facing retirement is not the guillotine.
    Your comments/web,,,, tells me that.
    Your partner in life becomes even more precious.

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