Selling His Soul: Why The Hard Left Are Disappointed With Mr Obama:

This is how Mr Obama and his minions see Our Hero.

However, reality tends to get in the way of certain visuals.

“Anonymous” Leftie commenters on my blog dismiss anything negative regarding Our Hero. I pointed out, last post, that Mr Obama had already “done a deal” with Big Pharma. I didn’t just pull this information out of my voluminous ass. No. It sourced from a Left-leaning magazine called The Week, which stemmed from a Robert Reich article at

Last week, after being reported in the Los Angeles Times, the White House confirmed it has promised Big Pharma that any healthcare legislation will bar the government from using its huge purchasing power to negotiate lower drug prices.

Oh, really? Further corruption, anyone? These are “secret concessions” by Our Hero. You read about this trumpeted in the DEM/MSM?

Ken Vogel on is going to have an article published on Wednesday that reveals some very smelly relationships between the Obama Admin and Big Business via David Axelrod. You’d do well to read on Wednesday.
However, now on

Axelrod was president and sole shareholder of AKPD from 1985 until he sold his interest after Obama’s victory, government records show. The firm owes Axelrod $2 million, which it’s due to pay in installments beginning Dec. 31. Axelrod’s son, Michael, still works there. He didn’t return a phone call. The firm’s Web site continues to feature David Axelrod’s work on the Obama campaign. (Emphasis added.)

The problem is that Axelrod’s former firm is currently receiving huge fees “from Healthy Economy Now, a coalition that includes the Washington-based Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America, known as PhRMA,” as well as AARP, the SEIU and other big players in the health care debate.

Again, reality tends to get in the way of certain visuals.

Heads up: more salacious and egregious behavior is yet to be revealed on the part of the Obama Administration. But, of course, you’re not shocked.

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30 thoughts on “Selling His Soul: Why The Hard Left Are Disappointed With Mr Obama:

  1. off topic sort of, but Drudge just said it looks like the Dems and Obama are going to shove this health care bill through ‘as is’ anyway. At least that is the latest as of this evening.

    Maybe Obama heard the hard left and decided to ignore the majority and the moderates. He can’t lose both the moderates AND the left.

  2. BZ, don’t fret over it man, you could hand these left-handed libberpukes facts on a gold plated platter and have em ALL sourced back to HuffPo and Daily Kos and the little bastards would still think you were making it up and denigrating their little *g* god…

  3. TF: I have to agree. In my entire life I have not yet seen as much of an OFFICIAL capacity in line with the lies the arguments proffered by this admin.

    Which is precisely why this HOUSE OF CARDS is now falling.

    After “ONLY” six months.


  4. Two thoughts:

    1) The problem with Socialists, the completely believe in socialism, the problem is, no one has done it right yet. Now that it looks like “The One” is not getting it right either, they may start looking for the one to get it right??

    2) If he does ram through Cap and Tax and the Health care bill, in the 2010 elections people maybe able to get elected if all they promise is to pass bill after bill to recind the madness.

  5. I heard Hewitt today re Axelrod and his law firm. Axelrod is making sure his law firm, which owes him two million, stays solvent…he doesn’t want to lose that money! HUGE scandal brewing but our media will bury me.

    Same thing he did in Chicago at that hospital Michelle Obama hired him for; running defense for the bad guys, making sure he and his got theirs. You know, Michelle’s salary tripled in the short time she was there, and, when she left, they never felt the need to replace the position! Draw your own conclusions.
    Neither Obama or Michelle can do much without their Fairy Godfather, Axelrod.

    BZ, I’m hearing both about the health care bill…he COULD push it through but it wouldn’t go over well. But, he wouldn’t care, as long as it was IN.

    As for the Norman Rockwell spoof?
    NO NO NO NO NO!!

  6. So, anymoose (I like that)

    I would ask you to honestly answer the following question (with many parts)

    How is the government going to run health care

    better than the U.S. Post Service was established in 1775 – you have had 234 years to get it right; it is broke.

    better than Social Security was established in 1935 – you have had 74 years to get it right; it is broke.

    better than Fannie Mae was established in 1938 – you have had 71 years to get it right; it is broke

    better than the War on Poverty started in 1964 – you have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to “the poor”; it hasn’t worked.

    better than Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965 – you’ve had 44 years to get it right; they’re broke

    better than Freddie Mac was established in 1970 – you have had 39 years to get it right; it is broke

    better than Trillions of dollars in the massive political payoff called the TARP bill of 2009 shows NO sign of working.

    better than keeping the highway infrastructure up and running; we’re selling off hwy’s left right and center.

    better than the city where our president came from, who sold off all of their parking meters and public parking lots

    And finally to set a new record: better than “Cash for Clunkers” was established in 2009 and went broke in 2009!

  7. So Obama is following the Health Care Insurance Companies and Big Pharma… does that mean he is also a lemming to follow them?

    And this ‘going with the majority’ bit, tends to get you a Jonestown. That is why it has to be more than just majority rules: pure democracies have become autocratic and dictatorial by turns throughout history. Limiting government is a way to preserve liberty.

    Not that the Left wants to preserver liberty, they want to give it up at the merest whim for ephemeral security. Thus they ignore Ben Franklin.

  8. Anonymous said…
    The ‘majority’ want health care reform. The lemmings follow the insurance companies over the cliff.
    Here’s a thought, let’s see some facts, figures, CITATION, and I don’t mean HuffPo or Kos, I mean REAL facts and figures from medical, government and any other reputable source you can garner…

    Otherwise, your words ring as hollow as your head…

    Show us some polling data that specifies this ‘majority’ that you refer to…

  9. The hard left is going to learn a hard lesson from all of this. They want to hold out to get ALL the shit they want in that bill and they are going to end up with NO BILL at all. Ah, what am I saying, they won’t learn a damned thing, they never do.

  10. TF and BZ:

    According to a Time magazine poll of 1,000 Americans, printed in their August 10th issue:

    • 55% believe the current health-care system needs major reform. (That’s a majority, if not necessarily a mandate.)

    • 55% rate the current health-care system in the U.S. “only fair” or “poor.” (Overall, the U.S. ranks 26th in the world for quality health care…behind 18 other industrialized countries and, shockingly, Cuba. This, despite spending MORE on health care than anyone else in the world.)

    • 47% trusted President Obama to develop new health-care legislation. (Only 32% trusted Congressional Republicans.)

    • 51% believe the country is headed in the right direction.

    56% approve of President Obama’s handling of the job. (38% disapproved.)

  11. (Overall, the U.S. ranks 26th in the world for quality health care…behind 18 other industrialized countries and, shockingly, Cuba. This, despite spending MORE on health care than anyone else in the world.)

    A$$hats, we are rated 18 because one of the major criteria in this socialist based list is universal coverage. IOW, if we are not like them we can’t be good.

    Again a$$hats!

    And I would love to know who those 1000 Americans are? Any breakouts (D) vs (R) and such.

    So, anymoose, no one on the left has yet to answer, if we are so terrible, how come our preventative care and cancer survival rates are the best in the world?

  12. From Rasmussen 20 AUG 2009:

    “The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 32% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-eight percent (38%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -6 (see trends). Thirty-four percent (34%) say the nation is heading in the right direction.

    Fifty-four percent (54%) now fear the government will try to do too much in responding to the nation’s economic woes. Just 37% fear it will do too little.

    While 42% support the health care legislation working its way through Congress, support falls to 34% if the public option is removed from the plan. Removing the public option has little impact on perceptions of Republicans and unaffiliated voters. However, among Democrats, enthusiasm for health care reform collapses if the public option is not part of the plan. This is partially explained by the fact that most Democrats favor a single-payer health care system.

    In terms of issues that voters now consider Very Important, health care ranks third behind only the economy and government corruption.”

    When you have a President losing double digits in approval in a month, 10 days is an eternity. Note that last point: the economy and government corruption rank HIGHER than health care.

  13. Time Magazine huh?? Are you sure you want to use that as a *reputable* source?? Those fucknuts are in the tank for Obama like YOU are…

    I said, MEDICAL sources, from medical, government and any other reputable source you can garner…

    Key word here being REPUTABLE, and I know that you’re terribly challenged on CODE and such, but post a link, NOT a name…

  14. “Those fucknuts are in the tank for Obama like YOU are… “

    You asked for numbers, you got numbers. You decide for yourself whether you like or trust them. All polling needs to be viewed with a healthy grain of salt, inasmuch as the poll is only as good as the question. That’s why polling numbers can vary so much…

    Who said I was in the tank for Obama? You can make all the paranoid assumptions you want, but the end result only ends up making an ass out of U.

    As for Time being a reputable news source: yeah, I guess I DO think the first news magazine in the country does a pretty good job reporting the news. Again: if you don’t like it, that’s your beef, but that doesn’t make it “not true.” You can choose to believe whatever conspiracy theories are fed to you…no harm to me.

  15. Anonymous, you are a fucking ignorant POS… A no comprehension left over from a Mexican abortion I am guessing…

    My WORDS: Here’s a thought, let’s see some facts, figures, CITATION, and I don’t mean HuffPo or Kos, I mean REAL facts and figures from medical, government and any other reputable source you can garner…

    Show us some polling data that specifies this ‘majority’ that you refer to…

    Not NUMBERS you ignorant wretch, FACTS, and apparently, you have none, just as BZ and I BOTH predicted…

  16. TF, I’m confused…oh, no wait, YOU are! In the sense you’re referring to, “number” and “figure” are the same thing. Unless you’re a math professor…but, no, you obviously don’t have the education for that, do you? I guess not, since, in your own moronic words, “Show us some polling data that specifies this ‘majority’ that you refer to…”

    You numbskull, THAT’S WHAT I DID! I showed you some POLLING DATA that specified the MAJORITY. You…simply don’t like it. Well, go shit in a hat, buddy. Again: take ONLY the info that you want, and flush the rest. That’s how it works in your world, eh?

    Ultimately, with nothing more to go on than trying to weasel out of your own argument, you simply end up flashing around a bunch of fancy insults. “A no comprehension left over from a Mexican abortion”… Heh. I do like that one.

  17. I would give a $100.00 bill to meet a moron any more STUPID and disingenuous than this anonymous TURD burglar… Time Magazine is NOT, by ANY standard, a reliable source and their 1,000 person cross section is a cross section of retards such as yourself…

    Now, to quote Gawfer, go sit in a corner and lick your nuts boy, because you have really screwed the pooch, and sadly, you’re too stupid to know it…

  18. anymoose, like any disillusioned lefty, refuses to listen to logic or facts. He/she/it bases everything on their feel good emotions, and fantasy desires. 55% of people that Time picked out rated U.S. healthcare as fair or poor? Have you looked at the life expectancy in the U.S. lately?

    You nailed it BZ, but it won’t matter to any of the lefty folk that troll around here; they’ll pull some crap out that is unrelated to the facts that have been presented (like a Time magazine opinion poll).

    Gubment has a f^cked up Midas touch; EVERYTHING it touches turns to crap. Health care will be no different.

  19. Anonymouse; this is what fair and balanced looks like, with CITATION you ignorant wretch…

    President Barack Obama’s popularity has plummeted to a record low, with just 45 percent of voters now approving of his performance, according to the latest Zogby International poll.
    As expected, Obama continues to score well with Democrats, who give him an 83.9 percent approval rating. But among GOP voters, Obama has flat-lined at a 5.7 percent approval rating — a problem in itself for a president who promised to bring a new, bipartisan spirit to Washington politics.

    Obama’s decline has been startling. Various polls had his approval rating at well over 60 percent at the 100-day mark of his presidency.

    By mid-June, his approval number had dipped to 51 percent. In July, it dropped further to 48 percent of likely voters.

    Zogby: Obama Hits Record Low in Poll

  20. No shock there, TF. I suspect that the “new car smell” is wearing off.

    I wonder what his reaction is to the Youtube video comparison of his greeting/sendoff with Marines is…I can only guess.

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