9 thoughts on “Setup & Take:

  1. Toward the end of the exchange, Allred admits “this is about Whitman’s hiring an illegal alien, her hypocrisy…” (paraphrased)

    Basically, she admits her grandstanding had nothing to do with the housekeeper, but was merely an attack on Whitman. I hate Allred, I hope she gets hit by a truck.

    BTW, I am no fan of Whitman, I find it odd that a person who hasn’t voted in 28 years suddenly wants to be part of the process and spends millions of her own dollars in a run for governor.

    Is Brown and Whitman the best that either party can come up with? No wonder we’re so screwed up.

    I might have to abstain from voting for a gubernatorial candidate, I can’t stand either one.

    Vote yes on 23 though.

  2. Alred, Sharpton, Jackson…Media Whore’s race baiters ambulance chasers…Scum.

    Meg is NOT my favorite candidate but I’m voting for her. Not that I believe she’ll fix this state, but because I know Brown will send it further into the gutter. At least meg will try and stop the slide.

    This is a non-issue but since the media is focused on it, it’s done its job. The issues and the track record of the candidates is a looser for the Demorats, so they needed anything they could find to get the issues off the table.

  3. It’s obvious that this is political and I agree with Capt. Schmoe – she admits it in her wrap up at the end.

    And don’t you just love Megyn KellY?


  4. How can that woman sit up there and lie like that??? A blind person can tell that was a political hit… Allred is just one more dem flack and I wonder how they can live with themselves after spouting their crap…

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