Sheriff Joe Arpaio Fights Back Again

Sheriff Joe Arpaio of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Department in Arizona is hopping mad. And after the federal government told him to stop doing his job — which made the federal government look bad — he’s not stopped. If anything, he’s become more resolute in enforcing immigration laws on the books.

See the story here.
And please note this sentence in page two of the story: “She acknowledged, however, that state law would allow him to continue making his arrests.”
Polls indicate that, right now, Arpaio could waltz into the Arizona governor’s chair.
Here is a man with convictions and the guts to do what’s right.
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8 thoughts on “Sheriff Joe Arpaio Fights Back Again

  1. I was just going to write what LoneRider did…President Arpaio sounds great to ME. Imagine a president who loves this country and wants to protect her above all else?

    those were the days………

  2. LoneRider: nice thought, he’s too politically incorrect for the bulk of this country. Thanks for visiting and commenting!

    Z: yes; and imagine having the audacity to enforce laws already on the books that your very own federal government refuses to enforce. Which creates a fiscal drain on individual states, which the fed refuses to reimburse.


  3. Sheriff Joe is a modern day hero but I don’t believe he’s a politician, which is a good thing. I can’t see him putting up with the nonsense of a campaign. But he’s got my support.


  4. From the linked article:

    When the police chief in one suburb complained about the sweeps, Arpaio’s deputies raided that town’s City Hall.

    Hear, hear!

    At least one man understands the significance of the rule of civil law and sovereignty of borders!

  5. CJ: you’re correct, he’s no politician and wouldn’t last long in a political fight; or would he?

    LOT: thank you. He is, essentially, having to fight the federal government to get them to enforce laws on THEIR books.

    Clint: thanks for visiting and thanks for taking the time to comment; please return! Joe Arpaio has NO problem speaking his mind which is simultaneously good and bad. So few people can stomach straight talk anymore.

    AOW: which begs the question: why isn’t THAT Chief of Police helping his OWN community?


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