20 thoughts on “Simple Sunday Question:

  1. I have up drinking diet drinks a few years ago. I rarely drink a cola, but when I do, I prefer Coca Cola.

    My beverages of choice: coffee, champagne, lemonade, Fanta Orange, ginger ale.

    I’d drink beer — except that I’m allergic to it. **frown**

  2. Coke. I’ll leave a restaurant that only has Pepsi products. Except Dr. Pepper which can be brewed by either company depending on which region of the country you’re in.

  3. Greybeard, completely understood. You make things clear.

    Gautama: first, thanks for visiting and thanks for taking the time to comment. I’m with you. Except that, with the shot of vodka, I enjoy a shot of, oddly enough, Squirt. Also, Life is Too Short for cheap vodka; I enjoy Ketel One or Grey Goose or, in a pinch, Absolut.

    AOW, I find it fascinating what people like; also, isn’t it interesting how REGIONAL things tend to be?

    Jinksto: which means you don’t ever eat at Taco Bell. Here’s an observation I’ve made, at least in Fornicalia: authentic Mexican restaurants in this state tend to serve Pepsi. Don’t know why. It just is.

    TF: that’s an “overheard” convention, BUT, is it actually TRUE??


  4. I used to leave a restaurant if they served Coca Cola and not Pepsi, now I am not so picky, and actually when out I usually drink water instead. But I gotta have my Diet Pepsi Max mid-day!

  5. Drink no diet drinks. Avoid any with corn syrup which eliminates 98%. At a restaurant, coffee. At the bar, well whiskey with cranberry juice or sour mash water back.

    8 0z red wine, screw top, before bed. Real gourmet, I am.

  6. Lest we not forget that Dr. Pepper designed a label for their cans following 9/11 that bore the image of the statue of liberty and the words: “One Nation….Indivisible” obviously omitting “under God”. Truth was, they claimed there was no room for “Under God” but, it was later revealed that the REAL reason they left “under God” off the label was that the company didn’t want to risk “offending anyone who doesn’t believe in God”. I haven’t touched a can of what was once my favorite soda since that time!

  7. When I drink a soda anymore, it’s a coke with a shot of … LEMONADE!

    Mostly, I drink water, whether out to eat or in my house.

    And it’s peanuts IN your coke, I think Fred missed a bit to the right… it’s actually good, and entertaining – the peanuts do a climb and dive riding on the carbonation bubbles!

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