12 thoughts on “Some Of What I Do At Work, Pt I:

  1. Thanks, now I have the brass and strings going through my head. You know the part just as the Mustang emerges in the rear window.

    Thanks. A lot.

    But that full throttle roar makes it all worthwhile.


  2. BZ,
    I remember some of the coolest stuff we did was driving and weapons qualifications. Driving like crazy men and shooting ammo till it came out of our ears. Ah, the good old days.

    Weapons qualifications in the military was even cooler. Blowing up stuff with hand grenades, grenades launchers and machine guns.

    America is a good country.

  3. wow!!!! I love cops…. I worked in a prison a few years and have u ever noticed that people who break or have broken the law in the past hate cops, whereas regular citizens love cops? the prison world where I worked sucked, but u guys have it worse I think. u guys have to deal with all of the scum of the earth while they’re trying to commit a crime. we get them after they’re sentenced and they are calm. I worked in a max close management prison here in florida and there is no a/c to keep these wanna be thugs cool. Man do I love law enforcement!!!!!!! keep up the good work bz

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