The photo of Michelle Obama “caught” at the Target store?


Michelle Obama just had to get out to Target to do a little shopping last week. But, before the shopping run the White House tipped off AP photographer Charles Dharapak so that he would be at the store to memorialize the moment.

Of course the Obama’s shop at Target. They’re of “the people.” The little people. My ass. They wouldn’t be caught dead truly shopping there now that they inhabit the Ruleigentsia Class.

Another lie: caught.


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7 thoughts on “STAGED:

  1. Mal, probably did. But considering the 5+ trolls I have here and the comments you mostly don’t see — and the fact that they’re simply drive-by cowards with no respective websites or blogs on which to likewise comment — I’d be able to convince a single-celled paramecium before ANY of them.

    Donna Q: first, thanks for taking the time to comment and for visiting! And you’re quite correct: credibility = zero.

    Jan: maybe; who knows? But whatever it or she was, it was
    1. A setup and
    2. Portrayed in the DEM/MSM as Michelle Obama so
    3. With that in mind, because the DEM/MSM can’t be wrong, it must be her.




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