Sunday Flight

Chris recently sent me the link to this video — a wonderful video and an incredible testament to our dwindling Greatest Generation.
It made me remember my father and the sacrifices he and his generation made to secure the future that we are living now.
Can you imagine what they think of what is currently happening to the country they loved and died for?
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6 thoughts on “Sunday Flight

  1. BZ, you have made many outstanding posts in the years I have known you, this Sir, is one of the very best!

    God Bless America indeed…

    And I fear that my parents, and yours, as would most any parents of men and women our age, would roll over in their graves if they saw what this nation has become…

  2. TF: thanks most kindly; I appreciate it. Further, it makes me glad my grandparents aren’t around to see what their neighborhood has become, what their city has become, what their state has become and, moreover, what their country has become.

    They simply wouldn’t understand.

    Bump: thanks kindly. That kind of courage and valor is dying every day.


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