The $5.75 Solution?

Single .308 rifle rounds can range from pennies to $5.00 or more. Individually hand-sculpted and -poured custom devastator rounds are negotiable per artiste.

Brass, lead, primer, powder, exotic bullet materials can all vary. There are “names” to whom you would go for custom rounds. Some are known; most are not so. Purposely. I’ll not reveal them here. Even composites and so-called “temporary” materials are included, considered. “Exotic” rounds are a niche of a niche of a niche venue. Some contain mercury or other rather toxic stable or fluid contents.

If you don’t “know” you will never “find.”

With this in mind, I would submit it is time to consider recent Wikileaks damage.

Wikileaks can be found here.

And Julian Assange can be found as “in charge” regarding Wikileaks. At 39 he is already gray and haggard. I wonder if he sleeps different nights in different locations a la Saddam Hussein?

As I wrote back in October, Mr Assange cannot stand the focal point of light upon himself — as he would insist such aforementioned light be focused upon countries and aligned individuals.

If certain critical optical crosshairs were resultingly sharpened, I would not lose, I submit, more than a few seconds’ sleep.

A rather inexpensive solution to a given problem.

But, of course, in the real world I would never suggest this. Mere digital and journalistic conjecture and hypothesis.

These are two completely divergent and separate topics.


A typical .308 round travels at 2,820 fps.

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8 thoughts on “The $5.75 Solution?

  1. Chris, cj, WSF: mere conjecture folks, mere conjecture. I do, however, find it rather astounding that he isn’t finding himself under arrest or facing prosecution for various federal charges. And moreover, WHO turned the information over to Wikileaks??


  2. The info is ‘again’ part of the material the so called private copied off on a CD… He apparently had access to State databases too…

    .308 175 gr 12.2 MOA drop at 500 yds…

  3. The drop of a .308 round as discussed, is dependent upon what the sight is set for. At over 350 yds sight-in, your figure may be a little closer.
    Sighted in at 100 or 200 yds, as is usual for deer hunting, you are WAY off!!

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