The Chasing of the Trains

The horns are plaintive and insistent and sonorous.

Whistles have been gone for over 50 years.

Once again, the rails are being involved in a fight. And yet, if you weren’t here, you wouldn’t realize it as being so.

These, right now, are the Good Old Days.

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5 thoughts on “The Chasing of the Trains

  1. The California Zephyr goes right by where I live — it starts in Martinez and runs to Chicago, once a day, each direction. It goes over Donner Summit and by Donner Lake, past Tahoe. I want to tell you, James, that’s a beautiful ride this time of year. Down by you, I think you have the Coast Starlight and that runs north adjacent Hwy 1.

  2. The best train ride I have ever taken was between Hood River and Parkdale Oregon. On the way up to Parkdale, the observation car was behind the engine. It was loud and magnificent.

    Before going back we did a run around. This left me alone on the observation deck at the rear of the train.

    Bald Eagles flew over. Mount Hood loomed large. There was a gentle trickle of irrigation from the pear orchards.

    It was spiritual.

  3. 03 04 06

    What a beautiful picture! Whenever me and the husband go to Tahoe, around Donner Pass there are these train tracks on the other side of the lake. I always wondered what it would be like to ride a train through that territory! Have a nice weekend Blo Zep:)

  4. When I was ages 1-5 I lived in the Upper Peninsula in Michigan and there were train tracks right behind our house. I don’t know how often the trains would come through but I have good memories of them and my mom said I always waved to the Conductor and he was real nice and waved back :-).

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